Thanks for the post. Yet another pressure on the "elite eight" in Warwick.
JoinedPosts by careful
More Developments In Australia
by jonahstourguide insome results of the royal commission in australia.
catholic church ellis defence scrapped in 'momentous day' for abuse survivorsby michelle brownposted about 2 hours ago john ellis speaks to the media outside the nsw supreme john ellis, a former lawyer, tried to sue the catholic church for negligence (aap: paul miller)related story: nsw child abuse survivors to be allowed to sue churchesafter an 11-year battle, survivors of institutional child abuse locked out of suing for compensation will be able to launch civil claims from today.key points:the ellis defence prevented abuse survivors from suing unincorporated organisations including churches and other institutionsthe move to scrap it came after recommendations from the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse.from today, an institution must nominate a defendant with sufficient assets to pay a survivor's claim.the so-called "ellis defence", which prevented abuse survivors from suing unincorporated organisations including churches and other institutions, is today abolished after the nsw government removed a legal road block.the move came after recommendations from the royal commission into institutional child sex abuse.john ellis, whose failed court of appeal case against the catholic church in 2007 gave rise to the defence, has praised the government's action.
"it's fantastic news," he told the abc.
Current Faithful Slave
by Vanderhoven7 indoes anyone have a photo of the current faithful slave...or a doctored pic that includes ken cook jr. replacing brother pierce?.
Enlighten me If you can
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inconfusing standards or hodge podge?.
what is this about beards i never got the hang of from day one?
are beards ok or not?.
"Facial hair breaks the spell that keeps JWs as subserviently immature drones suppressed through hierarchical domination." — Love it!
And forget about the fact that in antiquity beardless males were either Egyptian priests like the evil Jannes and Jambes, or Romans who killed Jesus, destroyed the Jerusalem Temple, and likely killed the apostles Paul and Peter, and then went on tho persecute the early Christian movement.
Want to read the Montana Nunez v. Watchtower Trial Transcript? It's now available to read
by AndersonsInfo inthe trial transcript of nunez v. watchtower (426 pages) has been made available from scaars which is the acronym for a new a 501(c)(4) lobbying corporation, sexual child abuse - advocates for reform and safety (scaars).. .
the scaars corporation was formed october 3, 2018 by barbara anderson and former elder, roger bentley and his wife, karin.
on the home page of the scaars website,, you will find information that explains the goal of the movement - scaars: "changing laws - changing lives.".
Thanks for the post. It's a lot to read, and I certainly did not read it all, but the part I did near the end is powerful: WT lawyer and Witness Joel Taylor apologizing and admitting wrong (p. 121, 3rd set of docs). But the opposing lawyer's words ring so true:
"There hasn't been a word of apology until this jury spoke. They haven't heard the message and that's what punitive damages are for. And these (indicating [the monetary sum]) are the numbers that will send that message to them." (p. 123)
Spot on! The GB are so dumb. They have to get clunked on the head by "Satan's world"! How long can they can continue to keep this from the R&F? Their secrecy bubble is being popped. If they're having trouble making ends meet now, imagine how much their donations will dry up when the average Witness finds out about this stuff.
2018 Service Year Report - Released on
by Drearyweather in2018 service year report of jehovah’s witnesses worldwide.
see details of the global preaching work of jehovah’s witnesses from september 2017 to august 2018..
average publishers preaching each month: 8,360,594 (2017 - 8,248,982).
Thank you, millie. Are you still attending?
Robert Alter Completes his New Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures
by fulltimestudent inthe jewish telegraphic agency comments on alter's translation:.
translation is not an easy task.
Wonderment, building on and supplementing SBF's comment on shālach at Ex. 8:1, notes how a minority of translators render that verb as "send" while the majority prefer "let go."
The fact is that the word shālach can have both English meanings. While those two connotations may look different in English, that is not the case in Hebrew. In order for English speakers to see the semantic domain (range of meaning) of the word in Heb., consider "send" in the sense of "send away, dismiss." Once one does that, the at-first-glance difference in English between the two options "send" and "let go" melts away. If Moses is to tell Pharaoh "send my people away" or "dismiss my people," then isn't that the same thing as "let my people go"?
The overall meanings of shālach in the Theological Wordbook of the OT are given as "send, send away, let go" (2.927). That it can mean "expel" is clear from Gen. 3:23, Adam and Eve expelled from Eden, and from Deut. 22:19, 29, a man divorcing or sending away his wife. Isn't Pharaoh supposed to "expel" the Israelites from his domain?
It is noteworthy that the English translator of the LXX in the NETS version did not simply use "send" (which would be a translation of pempō) at Ex. 8:1, but "send ... away," from exapostellō. The literally meaning of it is "send forth, send away, dismiss." It is found in the Gen. 3 and Deut. 22 passages above for the Heb. shālach. Also on point is Jerome's translation of shālach at Ex. 8:1 in the Vulgate: dimitte, from demittō, from which comes our English "dismiss."
I hope this clears things up. It really is a false dichotomy to pit "send" against "let go" in Exodus 8:1 because translators there do not simply render shālach as "send" but as "send ... away," what the NWT reads, as do Robert Young and George Ricker Berry in his Hebrew interlinear (1897). A check of Fox and Alter (unavailable to me) here might well turn up the same.
New rules for child sexual abuse?
by formerministerial ina european jehovah's witness, who served in an important branch, has sent me the following rumor.. some serious sources are mentioned.
it clearly shake my perspective of what is going to happen in the coming months.. i'm totally shocked !.
the law firm managing all the interests of the wt has studied the problem in europe on data protection and actions on files and protocols of child abuse.
It looks like something a lawyer would recommend. Now whether the GB will follow this advice is another story...
Catholic Church using Bankruptcy for Sexual-Assault cases
by Wonderment in
in the link above, the article on wall street journal deals with the catholic church using bankruptcy for sexual-assault cases.
is the watchtower next?.
Perhaps, but it would mean that they would have to admit openly that they are being sued, in large numbers, over this issue, the very thing they are trying to hide from the R&F.
Robert Alter Completes his New Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures
by fulltimestudent inthe jewish telegraphic agency comments on alter's translation:.
translation is not an easy task.
He has also written a book about his translation entitled The Art of Bible Translation, due out in March:
2018 Service Year Report - Released on
by Drearyweather in2018 service year report of jehovah’s witnesses worldwide.
see details of the global preaching work of jehovah’s witnesses from september 2017 to august 2018..
average publishers preaching each month: 8,360,594 (2017 - 8,248,982).
The big jump in the number of baptisms in 2017—isn't that because of the push to baptize children? It can't be coming from real newbies, at least not in the western lands where growth is so stagnant.
If it's already gone down a bit (according to the 2018 stats), it may be because they're running out of in-house kiddies. Maybe they'll drop the age even further now to pump the the numbers up again? Infant baptism is next?