Your idea may be the GB's latest thinking. The turning of the wild beast (governments) on Babylon the Great (false religion) is taking place now over the child sexual abuse issue. Then when the governments finally turn their full attention on moving against the org (maybe by arresting the GB?), Jehovah, Jesus, and the angels will intervene and save them. It might help explain their "bunker video" and similar depictions in other videos and artwork. Who knows how these guys think, especially when it comes to interpreting prophecy in advance? But if one looks at the batting average they have doing that in the past, they wouldn't even make the minor leagues.
Their statements in the publications about prophecy best being understood after it has been fulfilled, clearly out of harmony with their trying to do the opposite, namely, trying to figure it out in advance, has never struck them as grossly contradictory. They do such conflicting things pretty regularly.
As for Benedict's strange article, some experts are saying that it's a quiet move by the retired pope against Pope Francis. Who knows? These religious leaders, the GB or the RC hierarchy, have never been big on transparency, and there has been long history of intrigue in both camps.
Thanks TexWiller, for the post.