Thanks. I must wonder i this legal move by the WTS is going to backfire. They really are desperate to find their internal leaks.
JoinedPosts by careful
Reddit is Joining EFF to Fight the WatchTower!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara ina must read update to darkspilvers subpeona.
reddit has joined the eff's effort to fight the jehovah's witness organization, watchtower bible & tract society, who subpoenaed redditor darkspilver's identity using tenuous claims of copyright infringement.. set to go live in 5 hours!
This will make you laugh.
by Lost in the fog in
iliana says "i can do what every normal person can.".
sorry dear, but no you cannot.
This is REALLY public relations BS. Too bad Dana Arschin, the writer/interviewer, didn't ask the spokesman Bryce Hemmelgarn, "So then you don't take Matt. 28:19-20 very seriously?" when the latter said "Our primary purpose is not to convert." It would have been fun to watch the backtracking reaction!
Did anyone else notice how young all the Witnesses were in the brief video?
One of the points of conventions: obedience training
by john.prestor ini think a lot these days about people who train you to be obedient without telling you that's what they're doing.
the thought occurred to me that that could be part of the idea of regional conventions.
it's not like they present much of anything new to the audience, it's the same old talks year after year, the same old information, yeah, repackaged a little, different themes, different illustrations, but the same information, obey the faithful slave, armageddon is imminent, go door-to-door, the usual.
"It's not like they present much of anything new to the audience, it's the same old talks year after year, the same old information." That's why they're called yawn-fests.
"And they used to be worse, I mean nine-day conventions." I disagree. Back in those days there was sooooo much more legitimate activity to take you away from the boring talks: making food for the meals, taking down a stage or building a new one for the next day, moving big stuff around with a forklift, practicing on your instrument for the live music, hanging out with various bros and sisters behind the scenes. You used to be able to stay with them if you were from out-of-town without feeling guilty that you had "special needs." We'd go to movies, parks, hiking, drinking, or on dates. That's where you could meet those of the opposite sex, and make interesting, new friends of all ages and backgrounds. It was truly "widening out" from your own congregation. It was a genuine escape from the doldrums of everyday Witness life in your local congo. Those assemblies had depth. I loved it. It was far better than these prepackaged, slick, slap-dab, TV dinners they've got now, however "shorter" they may be.
New Blood policy for JW medical professionals?
by FreeAgent inhey folks, .
it’s been a long time since i’ve posted, good to see the forum well attended & spicy as ever.
this just in from a close & trusted source, names & local places redacted for obvious reasons:.
After mentioning this to someone else, a thought came to mind, reinforced by respectful_observer's comment above. Since so may of the org's changes are motivated by legal concerns, does anyone know of a legal case that might lie behind this "under-the-radar" change? Something's got to be behind it, and as I stated above, it's doubtful that it's theology.
Elders intimating protesters at Jehovah's Witness conventions
by RULES & REGULATIONS inbe courageous - jehovah's witness convention 2018. .
here is a video that caligirl7525 posted where she is protesting with a small sign at the .
''be courageous 2018 convention.
The sign says SDCCU Stadium. There are eucalyptus and palm trees there. Is this San Diego?
Do You See JWs Going From House to House Anymore?
by minimus ini used to see them in my neighborhood or while driving.
there is a hispanic congregation nearby.
i used to see witnesses out all the time, some even doing the slow pioneer shuffle.
Yesterday late morning, I saw at least 6-7 out going D-2-D in a suburb close to a city. I was driving too fast to count beyond that. Earlier this month I passed two KHs in another city, about 10 miles apart, with plenty of cars in the respective parking lots/car parks mid-morning, so I suppose they had groups out in the field ministry.
That said, I had not seen them out for some months, in fact, since late last summer, when I spoke for a while with 5 of them going D-2-D in yet another large city. I had some fun, asking about their KH. I was told that it was going on the market and that their cong, one of the oldest in the city, had been reassigned to a KH miles away, way out in the suburbs. I asked what the organization was going to do with the money from the hall's sale and was told it was going overseas to help Witnesses in a poor land build a KH. I toyed with the idea of pressing the matter but decided not to.
Beside the "cart witnessing" and people just not converting much, do you think that the rising average age of them is decreasing the D-2-D work? Assemblies and KHs are so full of old people now. Surely that means fewer and fewer hours in the D-2-D ministry than those same diehards used to put in when they were younger.
Mormon apostate gives testimony in church
by barry in it seems the mormons are fairly civil with their apostates.
barry, thx for the post. I couldn't get the vid to play on the link here but did a search on Youtube and watched it that way.
The vid itself was enlightening on multiple fronts—just seeing what the inside of Mormon church looks like was educational. Pews and traditional organ music (unlike JWs); kids sitting with their families (like JWs) instead of herded off to Sunday schools; men in shirts and ties, some with jackets, also like JWs. While they are more civil to "apostates" than JWs are, SBF, isn't the result among the faithful the same when it comes to the official dealing with dissent? Sure, they are allowed in and called "brother," treated with more respect, not excommunicated, etc., and maybe a more "substantial" answer is offered by the church regarding specific criticisms, but when you say, "Even if they can’t defend the points themselves, they are satisfied that the church has provided an answer to criticisms," isn't that pretty much the same as R&F Witnesses? Please note that I am not talking about the means here, but just the result among the faithful.
A final striking difference I noted was how apologetic the speaker was afterward to the local church officials, doubtless at least partly due to how civilly he was treated.
The GB and Legal Department Are Watching This One!
by careful innew developments with the american boy scouts must have the wts leadership worried:.
New developments with the American Boy Scouts must have the WTS leadership worried:
A secret in-house list of pedophiles. Being kicked out for coming forward and reporting abuse. Bankruptcy from lawsuits. Rampant coverups due to fear of negative publicity. Sound familiar?
Sea Breeze, after reading this, I'm grateful for your positive outlook and the resulting post!