I had a discussion with a young Catholic priest not long ago (one I know pretty well and who will open up to me), and I asked him what he does with confessions in which the confessor admits to having done illegal things such as child abuse. He said he goes through the normal ritual of giving the proper penalties to pay (so many Hail Marys or whatever) to get right with the RC God, and then he promptly forgets the content of the confession. That way he and the church are not legally liable. He related one instance where a young Catholic teenager saw him shortly after confession and again brought up the matter of his confession. The priest acted like he didn't know what the teen was talking about. The point was to drive home to the teen the absolute confidentiality of the confession box.
I thought that sounded pretty strange, but it seems to show that the RC church is still more interested in protecting itself from legal actions, maintaining internal secrecy, and keeping up appearances than in protecting kids, in spite of the many public claims to the contrary—not all that different from the WTS, eh?