Where's the info on Bethel tours restarting?
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Bethel Tours restarting
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inthe org is always so late.
i remember the last in person meetings before went to zoom, none of us were wearing facemasks and i thought why is the org so late with this.
they just announced older ones shouldn’t come but most large organisations had already stopped in person.
Dreading the memorial
by Isambard Crater inhey.
does anyone else dread attending (in person or on zoom) the memorial months in advance?.
literally as soon as new year hits, i feel sick and super anxious, and i've realised it's because of the memorial, which i only attend because of family, who kinda tell me the reason they have bad health is cuz i left the jw sevel years ago..
Of course it's been years since I was active, but I always enjoyed the Mem. because all kinds of interesting people came: non-believing family members, old-timers, various often quite fascinating inactive ones, visiting/non-local single sisters who were husband hunting (often getting desperate), newbies who were in that dizzy state they were frequently in. It was a sort of circus if one could step out of the prescribed "serious" nature of the occasion.
I thought it was great fun to watch newbies react to the bread and the wine being passed and nobody partaking. It was really funny when someone would munch and take a belt, especially a good one, of the wine, and then watch the elders' reactions! I would often seek out the newbies and non-believing family members afterward and ask for their impressions. Sometimes it was quite telling. Then you could go out to a restaurant afterward and let them see the local Witness community with their hair down, the opposite of the Mem. itself.
Gabbing with the old-timers was fun too. Some knew the Judge or went back to the old days. They were often gruff. I remember one old sister who was unhealthy but made it to the Mem. each year. Since she was hard of hearing, she would speak real loudly. After the meeting was over, she was speaking of her active son's bad marriage and said, "Yeah I told him, so you wanted to screw around and now you're paying the price!" This was almost a shout, so the whole congregation heard it, even over all the small talk. A KH-wide hush followed. The sister was so old and respected that no elder would dare counsel her. I just laughed inside and thought, "Only at the Memorial!"
To me the Memorial was great fun—if you didn't take the org's perspective of it too seriously.
why are we interested in what is going on in the JW
by enoughisenough infor the most of us, we have left the jws...and even though we are no longer jw, many of us are still interested in their beliefs, doctrines and practices as currently practiced.
i was trying to sort out in my mind why i still care about what they are doing.
i think the answer to that is a hope that something will develop in the jws that will wake up a lot of others, and selfishly, a lot of my friends.
The list of those who were active when this forum began or in its early years but have dropped out is much larger than those early members who are still around, especially if we don't count those who have joined up here more recently. Plenty of those early member dropouts have Witness family still in.
So the question might be more narrowly asked "Why have we stayed active here when others in similar situations as ourselves, who were once very active here, have indeed moved on beyond the ex-JW community? Are our needs different from theirs?"
BTW, just to set matters straight, this is my third incarnation on JWN/JWD, largely due to losing my password when Simon made major changes and I had to reregister to get back in. So I go back years before my current nic shows.
Looking for single sister/non sister to chat and have fun with
by Chris34 inhi,.
im 34/m/idaho looking to chat/cam with female that is also looking for the same.. hit me up, looks forward to meeting you.. chris .
Is this for real? A troll? Joker? Witness plant?
Should it be in the humor section?
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body
by WingCommander inthis has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
The prayer for his family may indicate that he's on death's doorstep. Thus he may have requested he be relieved of duties in order to be with them his final days. Perhaps the GB does not want to appear too hypocritical -- remember how they said certain elders should not serve in certain positions if they were too old and frail. Who knows? We'll have to see what shakes out here.
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body
by WingCommander inthis has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Hopefully a reputable bethel insider will leak what's really going on.
Spot on, nowwhat?!!
RULES & REGULATIONS, that's a chip off the old block of OUTLAW here!
Jehovah's witnesses sying County Governor om Oslo and Boken, Norway
by InquiryMan inoops title going wrong.
suing, in and viken correct.
this afternoon a press release from the jw has been published in major news outlets in norway concerning the withdrawal of registration etc..
Vidiot, it's probably more than just cheddar. The article mentions that they would lose the right to officiate weddings. There are probably other rights/privileges that they would lose as well, not just $$/€€/££.
Then too, as DS brings out, they are probably concerned that this idea may spread to other European countries. They have had legal success with the EU high courts, so they may have their eyes set on that, and suing the Norwegian government is a step toward that, should they not get the legal decision they want in Norway.
Finally, remember that this whole thing in Norway has been instigated by now DFed "apostate" Rolf Furuli, so, just like JWs/ex-JWs who have leaked in-house docs, they are going after/opposing him in this legal way.
In sum, there are likely number of factors at work here, more than just money.
Gun Ownership - A question for American Witnesses (or Ex-Witnesses)
by no-zombie ini would like to ask a question regarding gun ownership in the active american witnesses community.
while rifle ownership has been put in the same category as spear guns and fishing rods, how has the issue of pistol ownership been handled in us congregations?
I figured someone would question the idea that Witnesses are or have been employed in law enforcement, and tenyearsafter did. If you listen to this audio of an interview of actress Teresa Graves from some old assembly/convention, a NYC undercover cop Witness who carries a gun is mentioned (with an apology/defense by the interviewing brother). Go to 21:20-22:17.
Additionally, there was bro back in the late 70s-early 80s who worked for the FBI. I can't document this like the Graves interview, and this info was provided to me confidentially, a promise I will keep. I can say the this bro was uniquely used to help certain Witnesses.
Have you considered, tenyearsafter, that since you now know that the org has double standards in multiple areas, that this supposed "HIGHLY frowned upon" view of employment requiring guns—given to the R&F—just might be another one?
Gun Ownership - A question for American Witnesses (or Ex-Witnesses)
by no-zombie ini would like to ask a question regarding gun ownership in the active american witnesses community.
while rifle ownership has been put in the same category as spear guns and fishing rods, how has the issue of pistol ownership been handled in us congregations?
It would depend on the reason for the handgun possession. Is the Witness in law enforcement? Does he or she work in an environment where wild animals are a threat (backcountry ranger, wilderness guide, remote logger,) or while a Witness was hunting for food (hunters often carry handguns too as backup)? Also, the org has long made a distinction between gun ownership and the use of such guns. That is, it is only when a gun is discharged that the local BOE might become involved. They meet in order to decide if any "bloodguilt" is attached, if the gun's use was necessary, if the supposedly biblical "respect for life" was somehow violated, etc.
Exercise Patience Regional Convention
by Rattigan350 inthe theme of the in person convention this year is "exercise patience".
looking at the convention map, they are really using their assembly halls and they are using smaller civic centers or city arena.
no more huge stadiums.. are they not expecting a great crowd?
I can't help but think that this year's convention theme is telling. Could it be that the not-so-bright GB is sending a message?
Like "OK, things aren't really going well. Newbies are rare. The youth are leaving in unprecedented numbers. Those men reaching out are aging, dwindling, and replacements are few. We're shrinking. We've tried to spin the numbers thru pushing child baptism and reclassifying RVs as 'doorstep Bible studies,' but even that's not really hiding the facts."
"Exercise patience with us!"