Thx, Listener. Now I see the ID. It is a common name.
JoinedPosts by careful
Nicolas King starting to be removed from website
by neat blue dog init took them much longer than expected, but all the wt chorus videos in which he was a member have been removed from the music videos section.
interestingly the audio version of song 141 in which he sings, as well as even his solos like song number 127 all remain, but as we know appearance is all that matters.
also of course his role in the drama "these words must be on your heart" can't be easily fixed but that's less of a problem as he was playing a 'bad guy' to begin with..
Anyone know about this? WTS PR head Robert Hendricks removed?
by careful in robert hendricks removed?.
any info would be appreciated..
Thanks Mike. Can you provide any details such as why, how he fell into disfavor, etc? Your source for confirmation?
Anyone know about this? WTS PR head Robert Hendricks removed?
by careful in robert hendricks removed?.
any info would be appreciated..
careful Robert Hendricks Removed?
Any info would be appreciated.
Nicolas King starting to be removed from website
by neat blue dog init took them much longer than expected, but all the wt chorus videos in which he was a member have been removed from the music videos section.
interestingly the audio version of song 141 in which he sings, as well as even his solos like song number 127 all remain, but as we know appearance is all that matters.
also of course his role in the drama "these words must be on your heart" can't be easily fixed but that's less of a problem as he was playing a 'bad guy' to begin with..
Excuse my ignorance but who is this Nicolas King? The name is common enough. There's the Hollywood actor who died in 2012 and another chap with that name who's a Catholic Bible translator, but obviously the one here must be some well-known Witness. Anybody want help out here?
printed magazines
by pepperheart2 inhi does any body know if the watchtower are printing any new awakes etc as these past 8 months or so i have had magazines from four different carts from four different towns 100s of miles apart and the most recent magazines that they all had were from 2021..
Don't you think that the current GB has found it (1) easier to publish less since they are so limited mentally and (2) much cheaper not to have all those presses, press operators, delivery trucks, and so on?
Then, of course, they have made themselves celebrities to a far greater degree than GB I ever did by means all this video stuff they're constantly churning out. They seem to like that. I doubt that GB I members would have, just like GB I would never have constantly told the flock, "we love you" ad nauseum.
The Evolution of Judas Iscariot
by Leolaia inthe story of judas iscariot in the gospels provides the reader with a fascinating picture of how the plot and details of the narratives were gleaned from the ot and embellished in different ways.
the evangelists and the tradents that preceded them looked to the ot (and other affiliated literature) for information on what happened to jesus, employing a haggadaic method of biblical interpretation similar to how rabbis and authors of pseudepigraphs in the second temple era expanded the brief stories of the patriarchs in genesis with reams of new detail and legendary episodes -- through the means of exegesis aimed to penetrate beyond a plain reading of the text to "fill in the blanks" of what must have happened.
the authors of the gospels also scoured through the ot to discover what was supposed to happen to jesus and wrote their stories accordingly.
Now I see that your P.S. was not "Postscript" after your fist paragraph, but PioneerSchmioneer. Sorry that I missed that!
Yeah, Loelaia is sorely missed. So many of the early group of posters here have gone on.
Black penis and other subliminal messages on song book
by Mikejw ini’m sure this has been covered in the past but there are a lot of videos appearing lately bringing this up again.. this chap phoned bethel in london about it and as soon as he said song book the service desk said i’m hanging up now.
they obviously know about it..
so was there some pimos in the art department or was it more sinister and this organisation wanted to but pedo messages on the song book a bit like the demonic hand in the rev book?.
I guess some copies of Darek Barefoot's book have become available again?
Also, 2 years ago JWD member Corney provided this link to an academic review of the book. The author has corresponded with Barefoot, so at the end there is more info about him:
The Evolution of Judas Iscariot
by Leolaia inthe story of judas iscariot in the gospels provides the reader with a fascinating picture of how the plot and details of the narratives were gleaned from the ot and embellished in different ways.
the evangelists and the tradents that preceded them looked to the ot (and other affiliated literature) for information on what happened to jesus, employing a haggadaic method of biblical interpretation similar to how rabbis and authors of pseudepigraphs in the second temple era expanded the brief stories of the patriarchs in genesis with reams of new detail and legendary episodes -- through the means of exegesis aimed to penetrate beyond a plain reading of the text to "fill in the blanks" of what must have happened.
the authors of the gospels also scoured through the ot to discover what was supposed to happen to jesus and wrote their stories accordingly.
Well, I didn't mean to disappoint you or anyone. Judas Iscariot is not been of much interest to me over the years, so I have not particularly pursued scholarship on him or the issues he represents. We all make decisions, whether fully conscious or not (or just from what crosses our path), regarding how we will spend our time researching things. My limited time just does not include this topic, nor likely will it. Sorry that I have little to contribute on the subject.
I love learning too, but we all have our limits as to time spent on anything.
The Evolution of Judas Iscariot
by Leolaia inthe story of judas iscariot in the gospels provides the reader with a fascinating picture of how the plot and details of the narratives were gleaned from the ot and embellished in different ways.
the evangelists and the tradents that preceded them looked to the ot (and other affiliated literature) for information on what happened to jesus, employing a haggadaic method of biblical interpretation similar to how rabbis and authors of pseudepigraphs in the second temple era expanded the brief stories of the patriarchs in genesis with reams of new detail and legendary episodes -- through the means of exegesis aimed to penetrate beyond a plain reading of the text to "fill in the blanks" of what must have happened.
the authors of the gospels also scoured through the ot to discover what was supposed to happen to jesus and wrote their stories accordingly.
Wow, resurrecting one of Leolaia's old and always informative posts. She has been inactive here now for 10+ years. She went off into comparative linguistics at the graduate level. Does anyone know how she's doing?
Black penis and other subliminal messages on song book
by Mikejw ini’m sure this has been covered in the past but there are a lot of videos appearing lately bringing this up again.. this chap phoned bethel in london about it and as soon as he said song book the service desk said i’m hanging up now.
they obviously know about it..
so was there some pimos in the art department or was it more sinister and this organisation wanted to but pedo messages on the song book a bit like the demonic hand in the rev book?.
This notion of hidden images in WTS publications, and the reported exposure of them, goes back a while, to the 1980s. There was gossip then among R&F JWs about hidden or subliminal images in the artwork. In the late 80s an active Witness named Darek Barefoot (yes, first name spelled correctly) attempted to expose this matter secretly within the org, knowing he'd be shut down if he tried openly. He was from a respected multi-generation JW family. Eventually he was exposed by a fellow Witness coworker and his entire family was DFed, including members who had nothing to do with his attempts at exposure, for not reporting him and denouncing him.
His story is published in his book JWs and the Hour of Darkness, 1992 red cover, revised ed. green cover, later the same year, now both out of print. There are plenty of examples of the images in his book. The issue of hidden images in the WTS artwork has been brought up in various posts on this forum from time to time since, with mainly reactions of "I can't see it," "this is hogwash," etc. though some here agree that the images are present.
If they really are there, then the reasons behind them and the org's denial and defense of the people responsible for them becomes the resulting issue. Were the pics created by in-house artists and sneaked past blind overseers? Did the artists have the goods somehow on the Bethel heavies, so they were tolerated out of fear? On and on such conjectures can go.
You can search yourself for these past posts on this site's search function. I don't know whether anyone has scanned Barefoot's book and made it available online or not.
Hope this helps with some history.