the Watchtower Governing Body are the collective poster boy for the Law of Unintended Consequences.
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this was posted on jw leaks.. my truth's | dad seeking truth.
the Watchtower Governing Body are the collective poster boy for the Law of Unintended Consequences.
Love it!
this was posted on jw leaks.. my truth's | dad seeking truth.
Biahi hit the nail on the head.
GB II has yet again created their own monster. Years ago they, likely motivated by dropping baptismal numbers and due to their own very limited thinking, decided, "Well, I was baptized at eight and I've done well. We should encourage parents to get their children baptized much earlier now."
Like most temporary fixes, the plan "worked" for some years to help buoy up baptismal statistics, but then when a plethora of underage disfellowshippings naturally occurred as these baptized children moved into adolescence with all its complexities and difficulties, and its desire for discovering one's individual identity—especially in the high tech, interconnected world of today—large numbers of child disfellowshippings occurred. This in turn put significant pressure on Witness parents who now had 12-14-year-old disfellowshipped children. In fact, the GB decision created all sorts of household and congregational problems for the ever-obedient R&F.
Now Caesar has gotten involved and the GB are desperate to make some sort of change—always, of course, without admitting that they made a bad decision in the first place. They just feel they can do no wrong, and even if they might admit among themselves that they erred, they would NEVER do so to the R&F.
How different from the first-century Christians! As we can see from the Gospels, Acts and Galatians the leadership back then openly admitted their faults to the R&F, even portraying the apostles and other leaders as dull (Matt 15:16; Mark 6:49-52), power hungry (Mark 10:35-40), impetuous (Matt. 26:33-35), hot-tempered (Acts 15:37-39; Gal. 5:12), and just plain wrong (Acts 17.10 versus v. 22; John 21.23). They were even ready to criticize one another "before them all" and then send out a report of it (Gal. 2:11-14).
The GB are so interested in their own image and retaining their own authority and perceived holiness that they refuse to openly admit their own humanity in any kind of specific way. The results can be sad, even tragic. If they followed the New Testament example and admitted their errors, it might just warm people's hearts toward them instead of continuing the status quo of viewing them as on an entirely different plateau, as "holier than us."
the latest study edition mentions hypothetical scenarios of jws who are no longer serving at bethel or no longer elders, etc.
and says we shouldn't speculate, as defaming them could border on slander.. we could unintentionally defame someone by spreading negative information.
..... would it be proper to speculate on the reasons why these adjustments were made and to share that opinion with others?.
Would it be proper to speculate . . . . ~ June 2024 WT
folks: regarding all the recent changes about dis-fellowshipping and time for re-instatement.
(and, even speaking to persons who are dis-fellowshpped.
) back in 1972, a new book was released at the summer district convention, that replaced the yellow-colored "lamp": book.
Yes, Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry, a drab olive green colour.
The '74 change was due to Ray Franz, the lightening up, more humane view. It's in CoC.
Then after he resigned and was hunted down and DFed for "apostasy", the hardliners under Ted Jaracz, as you put it, "reversed the policy/thought" of being humane.
Now the current GB, under pressure from Caesar, have jettisoned Jaracz and his ways, especially after dumping Tony Morris, evidently the final holdout from the old school.
i am sure we were all shocked at the governing body update #2 with the unusual and impulsive changes set forth.. i am an insider at whq, and when i was on reddit and in communication with avoidjw i explained to the best of my ability that the approach on disfellowshipping was going to change based on the new light at the 2023 agm, that the jubilee rumor was false, and there were going to be changes on how jws approached disfellowshipping in response to the norway situation if it didn't turn out in watchtower's favor.
the decision came because of a legal blow to watchtower, not because "holy spirit" wad directing a faithful slave, who is going to become the "evil slave", more explanation on this soon.. everything i stated came true.
i left reddit exjw community due to the immature and mentally unstable nature there, and yet as has been the case my words came true.
Already on Reddit I'm gaining much attention
This speaks volumes. resetter2 wants attention. Believe him/her at your own risk.
it took them much longer than expected, but all the wt chorus videos in which he was a member have been removed from the music videos section.
interestingly the audio version of song 141 in which he sings, as well as even his solos like song number 127 all remain, but as we know appearance is all that matters.
also of course his role in the drama "these words must be on your heart" can't be easily fixed but that's less of a problem as he was playing a 'bad guy' to begin with..
Thx, Listener. Now I see the ID. It is a common name. robert hendricks removed?.
any info would be appreciated..
Thanks Mike. Can you provide any details such as why, how he fell into disfavor, etc? Your source for confirmation? robert hendricks removed?.
any info would be appreciated.. Robert Hendricks Removed?
Any info would be appreciated.
it took them much longer than expected, but all the wt chorus videos in which he was a member have been removed from the music videos section.
interestingly the audio version of song 141 in which he sings, as well as even his solos like song number 127 all remain, but as we know appearance is all that matters.
also of course his role in the drama "these words must be on your heart" can't be easily fixed but that's less of a problem as he was playing a 'bad guy' to begin with..
Excuse my ignorance but who is this Nicolas King? The name is common enough. There's the Hollywood actor who died in 2012 and another chap with that name who's a Catholic Bible translator, but obviously the one here must be some well-known Witness. Anybody want help out here?
hi does any body know if the watchtower are printing any new awakes etc as these past 8 months or so i have had magazines from four different carts from four different towns 100s of miles apart and the most recent magazines that they all had were from 2021..
Don't you think that the current GB has found it (1) easier to publish less since they are so limited mentally and (2) much cheaper not to have all those presses, press operators, delivery trucks, and so on?
Then, of course, they have made themselves celebrities to a far greater degree than GB I ever did by means all this video stuff they're constantly churning out. They seem to like that. I doubt that GB I members would have, just like GB I would never have constantly told the flock, "we love you" ad nauseum.