sir82 said
I think there are a lot who do enjoy it.
Our sample here on this forum is a bit skewed since, if you really liked the ministry, you'd probably still be a JW and not within a country mile of this forum.
I enjoyed it a lot. I hope that doesn't draw negative comments from the "skewed sample" here, but I think it might! When I left, I had a hard time not going out d-t-d. I still enjoy talking to people, including strangers, about God, the Bible, etc. One ex-JW friend I still see does too and tells me about her current witnessing experiences. Neither of us, of course, still report the time. THAT always bothered me. Can you imagine Peter or Paul making out field service reports?
I knew one past missionary who really loved the field service. He hated doing elder duties and would always tell me how much he'd rather be out in the ministry. He'd served at various Bethels and didn't like that either compared to the field service. He and I always had plenty of RVs and Bible studies. We both got 30+ hours a month in just on Bible studies (yes, I did turn in my FS time to keep the peace).
But I suspect that the majority of Witnesses do/did not like doing it, and certainly the majority of people here didn't.