There seems to be a core of, often past, GB members who feel that if a person is not on the ark (= in the org), then he or she is a goner. However, there are others, perhaps in the Writing Department or on the current GB, who may be more sensitive to passages like Mark 9:38-41 (= Luke 9:49-50, and compare Matt. 10:40-42) where those outside the org seem to have some degree of God's approval.
More to the point, the famous Parable of the Sheep and Goats at the end of the "signs of the last days" discourse of Jesus in Matthew's Gospel (chapters 24-25), if read in context and outside of WTS doctrine, has two groups of people, both of whom do not realize that they were in the past interacting with Christ's brothers. One group gets judged adversely for not treating them well; the other is unexpectedly rewarded for unknowingly having treated them well. How could this last group have been "aboard the ark" if they unknowingly treated Christ's brothers well? In the past Fred Franz interpreted the favored group as the other sheep/great crowd, but that on its face cannot fly, given the lack of knowledge both groups had of the identity of Christ's brothers.
I cannot and generally do not wish to keep up with the always speculative and changing interpretations of scripture that the org today puts forth, especially given the deep brainlessness of the current GB, but I seem to recall that the aforementioned interpretation of Matt. 25:31-46 has been thrown out. But it hasn't really been replaced either with any kind of interpretation that makes sense.
The upshot is that there may well be some Bethel heavies who are more in tune with scripture and who have a more lenient view of salvation for those not being in the org. But coming right out and saying that there will be people not in the org who will be saved would be very problematic for the GB controllers.