Is There Concrete Evidence That The Org. Has Covered up Child Abuse?
Is the pope a Catholic?
i hear of a plenty of personal testimonies of abuse but it is harder to prove organizational complicity.
Is There Concrete Evidence That The Org. Has Covered up Child Abuse?
Is the pope a Catholic?
Turns out he may not have been an elder, but a MS:
So will they now start doing background checks on newly appointed men?
So many bros out-of-uniform. Casual dress; the bro just right of center even has a goatee. One is a cop or security guard? One sister, upper left, with a pretty low neckline. Are they lightening up?
mandated shunning is on the rise around the world with devastating effects on millions of people.
shunning that is mandated by organized groups to its members is a form of both physical and psychological violence against those people being shunned and cut off from their family and life-long relationships.
mandated shunning means that the shunning is ordered from the top down.
I don't mean to be fussy or petulant, but what practices or beliefs in the Witness world are not mandated?
this has just been posted on youtube regarding tony morris and the reason why he was removed as a gb member and 'relocated'.is tony morris a pedophile / nonce? me know your thoughts down below.celtic.
When the woman says Morris is “directly responsible” she appears to be referring to his part in a cover up. It doesn’t sound like she is accusing him of committing the abuse himself. I could be wrong but that’s what it sounds like to me. Hopefully this will be clarified. If he is directly involved in a cover up that’s bad enough but obviously not the same thing and it would be good to be clear exactly what he’s being accused of.
Why would she express concern about AM III being around children unless he was involved in more than just a cover up of wrongdoing done by others?
my understanding was that this was the magazine regularly published for insiders only, unlike the watchtower and the awake!
looking online, it seems that the wt ceased publication of this in 2016. is it due to a name change (it seems to have changed its name several times over the years) or has it been succeeded by a new publication?
or has it ceased to be?.
As journeyman puts it, "The midweek meeting is completely dumbed down now."
EVERYTHING in the org is dumbed down now because the current GB is utterly dumb. No one among them can begin to approach the mental caliber of people like Fred Franz, Lloyd Barry, or Bert Schroeder (not that they were great geniuses either). That revised NWT, while it contains some limited improvements, is in the main dumbed down. The sheep follow their shepherds. If the shepherds are dumb, then everyone else is too.
Anyone of intelligence left long ago or are in hiding. The meetings and the publications reflect this fact.
note: photos can be found on the blue envelope channel and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
On a deeper level, no, but the big difference between the time of Chitty and now is that back then the GB didn't set out to make themselves media stars, front and centre of all the output to the R&F with their faces all over a TV channel and website. The image that AMIII has projected to date via his talks and appearances has not been a very endearing and sympathetic one and will have created a lot of bad feeling among many people.
It's unfortunate for AMIII that he's being the "guinea pig" for this social experiment, but this will be a first in JW org history: how the R&F, exJWs and others deal with a high profile, public eviction from the inner circle of the JW world back to 'ordinary' life.
Spot on, Journeyman! They surely have become in-house "media stars," and AM III was certainly one. In the pubs and leaked letter (thanks Atlantis!), it's the GB this and the GB that. The old GB never acted like that. The opinion they now have of themselves is massive.
On the earlier thought: do you think that the GB might just think that since they are all anointed, even though AM III is no longer one the GB, his "anointedness" will protect him from harm?
I'm appalled at many of the mistakes in the 2013 NWT done because the GB preparers (mostly Geoffrey Jackson) has/have no linguistic skills with Hebrew and Greek. At least the first editions had Freddie who had some real Greek background. Doubtless they feel their "anointedness" qualified them to revise Freddie's work.
My point is that the same thinking might be at work with AM III. Off the GB to be sure, but do they think his anointed status will protect him? His guardian angel(s) or whatever? Or maybe, as I said earlier, they are just so short-sighted.
note: photos can be found on the blue envelope channel and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
Probably right, Vanderhoven. Especially if he starts to receive hate mail, or worse.
Again, the org really should have anticipated that placing him in such an open situation is a big risk, but unless they have plans in place that are more covert, it seems they've left him to fend for himself.
Then again, the GB don't believe they've done anything wrong and are mainly protected from the backlash from their policies so may have underestimated the potential danger. Seems crazy after what happened in Hamburg, but it could be complacency.
Does the GB ever admit they have done wrong? That is outside their realm of thinking. Also, given the current mentally limited nature of the GB membership, do you really think that they could connect the dots here? That is, do you really think they could see that what happened in Hamburg might happen to AM III? I don't. They are just too daft for that.
Perhaps you are attributing to them too much intelligence? They are stupider than normal people, don't you think? "Underestimated the potential danger" indeed!
BTW, Journeyman, I enjoy your posts, so please don't take this note as a personal attack.
i was wondering about the jw attitude towards getting tattoos.. redditors suggest that the only jws who have them would have got them before they were baptised.. gives a meally-mouthed "true christians wouldn't" response.. but no-one (that i've seen so far) answers the question i'm actually asking: is getting a tattoo after being baptised a disfellowshipping offence?.
if not disfellowshipable, how would a typical jw congregation treat someone who got a tattoo after baptism?
would they really treat it like it is a conscience issue?.
Carla, thanks for the note. Hang in there.
NotFormer, I do not mean to hijack your thread, but I've kept looking for any tattoos with JWDOTorg both on google and bing. I've come up empty but I found some other interesting stuff. Perhaps I'm just ignorant or naive, but I was unaware of some of this stuff. Pretty funny, at least to me, however.
I guess this chap is not a bro. given those arm tats, but Jehovah Java might be a nice name for a Witness coffee shop, eh?
I was not aware of these other shirts. I guess you can get anything put on a tee shirt now.
These, however, really caught my eye. There must be a market for such stuff. There are plenty more. These are just a sample. You can get hats so logoed too.
Then one sees the hostility between JWs and ex-JWs.
i was wondering about the jw attitude towards getting tattoos.. redditors suggest that the only jws who have them would have got them before they were baptised.. gives a meally-mouthed "true christians wouldn't" response.. but no-one (that i've seen so far) answers the question i'm actually asking: is getting a tattoo after being baptised a disfellowshipping offence?.
if not disfellowshipable, how would a typical jw congregation treat someone who got a tattoo after baptism?
would they really treat it like it is a conscience issue?.
Carla, thanks for the explanation. Nothing disrespectful on my end. I just thought it was an English error. We all do that!
I never married while "in." I had too many disagreements with the org that I kept to myself or shared with a tiny number of brothers, most of whom have since left themselves. I would never have wanted to put some poor sister in the dilemma of choosing between me and "God's organization." I could not conscientiously have done that to any sister, and I did not want to put myself through hell by marrying one and then attempting to leave. It was difficult enough to leave on my own terms alone.
Best wishes in dealing with your situation!