I doubt that they will ever use this as a example of "evil apostates" persecuting them. That would mean that they would have to admit that a bethelite allowed the call to get through. Is that bethelite either a closet apostate or just that stupid?
JoinedPosts by Spectre
Prank call to Governing Body member Anthony Morris III gets through
by Watchtower-Free inalert..............alert.....breaking news .......... john cedars of jwsurvey has pranked called governing body member anthony morris iii at bethel .
over 2 minutes of pranking .
as i type he is editing the recording into a video .
What's your all-time favorite Song by musician ? Name Song and Artist
by flipper inflipper again.
personally my all time favorite song?
stairway to heaven by led zeppelin.one of my top favorite groups ,too.
I never have a favorite of anything. So many options it's hard to have a top 5.
Dark Side listed Be by Neil Diamond. That's one of my top 3 favorite ND songs.
Peter Gabriel-Solsbury Hill
Yes- And You And I
Yes-Yours Is No Disgrace
So many others though. Not having a song like Queen Bitch by Bowie or Under Pressure is a shame.
Nice going through the pages and seeing old friends in this thread. Whatever happened to Sparkplug?
Prank call to Governing Body member Anthony Morris III gets through
by Watchtower-Free inalert..............alert.....breaking news .......... john cedars of jwsurvey has pranked called governing body member anthony morris iii at bethel .
over 2 minutes of pranking .
as i type he is editing the recording into a video .
If I had made the call I'm sure the language would be a bit harsher than calling him "deluded".
Take it for what it is people and have a laugh. If anything else had been said TOMO would have hung up faster.
If it gave him a second of paranoia over the fact that bethelites had to patch the call through....it's all good.
LuckyNun is back
by LuckyNun inlong time no see.. so, since i last posted on here, jws drove my sister to attempt suicide again (she failed, but it was close) and drove my close childhood friend to actually commit suicide.
i too kmy sister in and helped her recover.
i think she's going to pull through.
It's a long tough road out of hell. Glad you made it and sad for those that didn't.
I would immediately call the police. Just to give a warning to those parents.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses A Cult?
by What Now? ini came across a great quote.... the distinction between cult and religion lies squarely in how those leaving or those wanting to leave are treated.. hits the nail on the head for me!.
Since I just posted in the other one I might as well post here.
I remember when I was a witness seeing a list of the defining characteristics of a cult. I was thinking as I went down the list, "well....yeah....but there's a reason we do that." Ahhh, the good old days of cognitive dissonance.
Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT a Cult......so they say.
by Tenacious intrying to develop a good strategy for relatives still partially indoctrinated by this despicable inhumane cult.
i researched their own material and i found some good info on how they don't mind control anyone.
the following unedited information was sourced from their february 15, 1994 watchtower p. 5-7. i've highlighted some sentences that we all know are lies and a distortion of the reality of their community:.
So they say they aren't a cult, eh?
Interesting that one of the defining characteristics of a cult is they start defining words how they see fit.
Whose KH has the Blue Square jw.org on it?
by blondie ini have been looking and finally saw the logo on the kh sign............. .
When I drove by the one here recently, I'm pretty sure I saw one on each of the two fenceposts.
Top 10 Signs that Jehovah's Witnesses Want to Disfellowship You:
by OnTheWayOut ini've posted these years ago and was reminiscing, so i thought i would share the laugh with you again.. top 10 signs that jehovah's witnesses want to disfellowship you:.
10. there's two guys in suits staying all night outside your home in a four-door sedan.. 9. an elder you spoke to on the phone calls and asks you to repeat what you said the other day, but asks you to speak slowly and clearly.. 8. suddenly, jw friends stop by and ask an awful lot of the same questions.. 7. your laptop computer was moved, left on, or is missing.. 6. you left your car unlocked, it was thoroughly searched by someone but absolutely nothing is missing including your gps which was searched too.. 5. your boss asks if you are in trouble with the law or someone, stating some really polite men were asking about you and left some "tracts.".
4. someone picked up the cigarette butts around your back porch.. 3. the bartender at your favorite nightspot asks if you have ever before seen the guys in the corner booth that have been ordering "cokes" all evening and pulling out a camera everytime you order a beer.. 2. you receive registered mail and you already served on a jury this year.. 1. your jw mother who finally had accepted that you will never go back starts begging you to either go back to the kingdom hall or move with no forwarding address.. .
11. There's a local needs talk about "keeping the congregation clean and the need to confess" and the speaker is looking at you the whole time.
by poppers ini'm wondering what sort of biking shoes and pedals you are using.
i'm a road biker, so i enjoy speed and distance riding, and am upgrading my shoes and pedals.
anyone have experience with specialized road shoes with the boa stem?
BGN- Might be a too much of a drive to have your bike worked on there but at least check it out next time your up there. When I walked in I thought that it was the type of store I would want if I owned a store. I like the bike brands they carried and a lot of the parts/accessories they had and they were displayed really well.
Gas Works park is a cool place to hang out.
I tried to make an elder feel guilty for shunning his 2 children.
by Jeannette ini ran into an elder the other day at walmart.
he's a fairly good man and has a wife that is very sickly.
so sickly in fact i don't know how she's holding on.
I hope it hit him like a ton of bricks.