New Chapter, how dare you troll the troll!
.....but a Star Trek transporter would be a big no-no for people that ban zippers. I think maybe they have mutant horses that can teleport. Like Nightcrawler from the X-Men.
this was taken from the watchtower 1975, august 15. paragraphs 12&13.
12 resources and abilities that we might possess should be used to advance kingdom interests, rather than letting them serve as hindrances in the race for life.
for instance, if you have an extra house, could you sell it and use the money to enter the pioneer service instead of working hard to maintain both houses?
New Chapter, how dare you troll the troll!
.....but a Star Trek transporter would be a big no-no for people that ban zippers. I think maybe they have mutant horses that can teleport. Like Nightcrawler from the X-Men.
well, i may be overeacting....i may be may be may be the silly comments heard at the wt meeting.
however, there it was in the study article ...a picture of some sad looking, unhappy runners (the kind of look that the org inflicts on us) .
for the first time i looked at that guy with the wheel barrel.
A runner running a marathon with a wheelbarrow full of stuff.....yeah....this would only make sense to a company that still thinks its a common practice to have beheadings at birthday parties.
julian started his freshman year at jenison high school this year.
he has played trumpet in their highly awarded band programs since 6th grade.
he was going to go home to live with his mother, when he changed his mind and begged to stay and participate in their marching band.. jenison marching band is widely recognized and has won many awards over the years.
i've heard that another 2 people have left the "truth" as soon as they could get out.
both girls were elder's daughters.
they aren't elders now because they were somewhat problem teens.
Ha! stuckinamovement barely beat me to the writing dept. comparison.
i've heard that another 2 people have left the "truth" as soon as they could get out.
both girls were elder's daughters.
they aren't elders now because they were somewhat problem teens.
NRFG, your writing style looks familiar. Are you or have you ever been a part of the WTS writing department?
Oh, and didn't you get the memo? No such thing as the slave class anymore.
hi, just wanted to introduce myself.
born-in, as was my husband.
we were both baptized as teens, married when we were teens (he was early 20s) and we were both the "perfect" witnesses.
Freedom is sweet!
dear drinkers:.
beer buzzes me but wine does not speak to me .... can you speak from personal experience?.
scientif studies welcomes if you have no epxperience.. cocoo.
I'll get a miserable headache from beer that makes it so I don't even want it. Not that crazy about the taste anyways.
A couple of years ago I was drinking a fair amount of wine and started getting chest pains so I quit drinking as much.
Hmmmm...This reminds me that I do have that bottle of zin I've been saving.....Its getting opened tonight!
okay,my mother told me,boy did i have an experience today,meaning field service experience.
and before you start the eye rolling,you got to read this one.. my mother and anther sister went on my mother's return visit.
a young man opens the door and just leaves it open.
Let the "baking" begin.
okay,my mother told me,boy did i have an experience today,meaning field service experience.
and before you start the eye rolling,you got to read this one.. my mother and anther sister went on my mother's return visit.
a young man opens the door and just leaves it open.
I'll make you some.
okay,my mother told me,boy did i have an experience today,meaning field service experience.
and before you start the eye rolling,you got to read this one.. my mother and anther sister went on my mother's return visit.
a young man opens the door and just leaves it open.
Ha ha!!! Hotboxed!