JoinedTopics Started by Jordan
McFly are coming to visit...
by Jordan innot sure if you americans know about them, but mcfly are a british pop band, and they're coming to visit where i work for a single signing tomorrow... kinda cool, even though i actually dislike their music.
it's a damn big deal for the store i work at.... .
Ever feel like the Odd one out?
by Jordan inso, there's major drama going on in my family at the moment.
personally i've been trying to keep well clear of it, but there's all hell breaking loose with members of the extended family, and my mum's been called in as peace keeper.
anyway, several members of the family were discussing something, (i won't go in to details, it's not my place, and i just didn't pay that much attention) anyway, i'm going about my business in the kitchen, then i wander through to the living room, where someone mentions the possibility of a family member getting dfed, anyway, i make my first comment in a long time and say "so what?
Should I quit my job?
by Jordan ini'm getting a little sick of being taken advantage of.
don't get me wrong there are times when it is a great job, it's probably my ideal job, but it has such a negative effect on me, i'm depressed when i think about going there, i lose practically all of my friday and saturday nights and there are people there that i absolutely detest.
and i'm a keyholder, so for a small increase in salary i get so much extra responsibility and bs over it.
Should I go to the Docs?
by Jordan inok, earlier i was sitting here on the pc, when my mum comes in and says it looks like i've got a lump behind my ear, i go and have a look, and she's right, there's a lump one side, but not behind my other ear, so i'm pretty sure it's not part of my skull.
now i didn't notice this before.
but after i was told about it, i swear it's starting to hurt... is it worth getting checked out by the doc, or is it one of those things you can leave and it'll go away?
Embarrassing things that happened to you on the platform?
by Jordan ini remember one of my last talks, it was a bible reading, i was 15, and on crutches.
i tripped getting up on the platform and took the mic stand with me.
that was embarrassing.
Don't know if this has been posted before...
by Jordan in.
you guys probably know about this little gem, but i only recently discovered it... it's an awesome little program that shows you actual satellite images of much of the world, i can zoom in pretty close on where i live, and big cities are even clearer, check screen shots out.... .
Guy Fawkes Night...
by Jordan in.
i love this time of year, it's always fun to buy some big fireworks... any of you guys got your fireworks ready for this year?
by Jordan inany snowboarders here?
i recently got into snowboarding, i've had a few hours on a dry slope, just wondering if there's any tips you guys got for us newbies.
n00b alert!
by Jordan inheya, i'm new to the site(no shit huh?
), was actually found a couple of weeks ago by legolas on another board, he recommended me to come here, i've been out of the organisation for about 2-3 years now.
i'm from the uk, i'm currently studying for a degree at a local university, and working in a record store, and to be honest the last 3 years have been the best years of my life.