A few points OldSoul made on the forum a while back which Jehovah’s Witnesses have no explanation for. I asked a witness and he gave me these answers. Please leave any comments.
(1) They have no explanation for why they believe the Faithful and Discreet Slave is a class (or group) of people. (Matthew 24:45-47)
One person couldn’t live for hundreds of years obviously, therefore a class (or group) of people were required to dispense spiritual food over time. The “slave” then became responsible not only for ministering to the needs of the anointed body members but also for taking on the responsibility of preaching the good news of the established Kingdom to people of all nations. (Matt. 24:14)
(2) They have no explanation for why they teach that God's Organization is spirit-directed when no organization in the Bible ever was.
The organizations in the bible were spirit-directed, it talks of disciples praying to God.
(3) They have no explanation for claiming God uses the Faithful and Discreet Slave "Class" exclusively as a conduit for "new light" (that is, new teachings that may directly contradict old teachings)
The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light getting
brighter and brighter until the day is clearly established.
(4) They have no explanation as to why they teach that the "other sheep" of John 10:16 have a different destiny from the ones already in the fold, although the Scripture specifically states
that the two groups of sheep are from different sources but have the same destiny .
The Bible does not state the sheep are from different sources,
The sheep are on the earth and refer to people of a teachable nature. All the sheep have the hope of living forever.