In response to the many posts: I don't know why you would consider God crazy for creating man knowing he would sin. The greatest thing in the world is LOVE. That is why he created us. That's like saying, if you knew your children were going to rebel against you, would you not have them? That's ridiculous. You have children to love and to be loved. This is the reason God created the world and man, because it was good and so that he could love and be loved in return. Of course he knew we would rebel. But it was only another opportunity to express his love for us. By sending down Christ, the Son of God, God incarnate to be humiliated, betrayed and suffer so that we would be seen as perfect as long as we accepted that sacrifice. Now we are allowed as imperfect humans to have a relationship with the perfect and Almight God. It is all about LOVE.
But if Adam and Eve had obeyed Jehovahs law there would have been no suffering to mar human life. Why did Jehovah make 'this law' if he knew his creation mankind would sin.