I've just waded in.
Stoopid overlapping crappiness!
a jehovah's witness explains the watchtower society's 'this generation' doctrine..... .
what do you think about his explanation?.
I've just waded in.
Stoopid overlapping crappiness!
i know, it's in spanish.
i need to test your skills with a foreign language.
it's very late now.
Not sure how accurate this is, but using Google Translate it comes out like this:
Dear friends,
I decided to write this letter to advocar mainly for the welfare of young people, especially those closest to us, our children and nephews.
As you know, immediately after my daughter Cristina asked permission to be baptized as a Jehovah's Witness, I decided to learn everything possible about their religion . My research has led me to learn about many interesting topics such as history , religion , astronomy , psychology and archeology. Also, I learned in great detail the history and doctrines of the Witnesses. During my search I could also account for the ease with which one gains access to all kinds of information that would not have been possible 15 or 20 years ago . Certainly , the media have changed in a dizzying in recent years.
Although the issues I've learned are diverse , they all relate directly or indirectly to their religion. The findings of my research can be summarized in a few words : "The Truth" has not lived up to its name , "The Truth " is the wrong name. Thousands of people around the world have decided to leave because they have discovered deception and manipulation behind the veil of social harmony and exemplary morality of its members . Miles intended to accept because they fear losing social ties with family and friends if they reveal their true feelings. The leaders of "the Truth" are relentless against anyone who dares to question their authority. They have abused this authority to sacrifice thousands of innocent lives and psychologically torturing hundreds of thousands more.
Volumes are required to explain and corroborate the previous paragraph. In fact, already been written and continue to write dozens of books , which you refuse to read because the authors are described by the Company using the most vitriolic and slanderous adjectives, but never offering a valid argument to defend objective criticism of many of these so called " apostates" . Do not worry, do not stop reading , I will not give details of the persuasive and truthful of those who have decided to fight "the Truth" argument. Neither will make them tough questions , has no case. Every time I do I get an evasive answer , silence, or even answers that correspond to the question. You decide when you want to start your research , if one day I want to do.
Thanks to modern media, the truth about " the truth" is spreading quickly and effectively. The known having led me to the decision to help protect and defend the most innocent and vulnerable , young people and children Witnesses. I'll never forget seeing " disfellowshipped daughter of an elder who has not been back in more than 10 years" from the kingdom hall before the conclusion of the meeting to avoid the cruel and humiliating ostracism which is subjected to all those young they have done precisely what their own parents are proud of having done , leave the religion that was instilled in children. Literally " that little mother", " little father." How shameful act alleged Christians treat their own children in the most cruel manner allowed by human laws . But can not blame them because these parents are also victims of an arrogant leadership, deceitful and manipulative.
Over the past two years I have also come to understand that leave "the Truth" is very difficult for many. In fact , it is common to notice people who are mentally off , but are physically within the organization . You could justifiably be part of this group think "has to go" . Many years of a lifestyle that has brought them happiness and harmony , as well as an extensive network of friends who sincerely want. I understand, but I hope you at least come to understand that just as you were free to change their beliefs , so you offer this freedom to their children and children without resorting to emotional manipulation and ostracism if one day they take that decision.
I hope you have been able to bear my harsh language about their religion . They have to admit that the language used by the Company and for a hundred years to refer to non - Witnesses is much worse. At one time this vitriolic language of the Company amused me , now infuriated me .
7 years ago i started on a path i had long ago given up on as impossible.
i met with my elders and told them i could not justify carrying on as a jw.
i went and got my high school qualifications and my higher education diploma (a levels with distinction) in just 12 months.
Brilliant news.
You're an inspiration to us all.
hello everyone it's nice to finally be able to post i had trouble getting emails last month and was never able to sign up.
this has been a very informative site which has really helped me grow and to think for myself.
please allow me to introduce myself.. i was born into a witness family and was baptized at a young age an was part of a small kingdom hall.
Welcome indeed.
Your road ahead will be challenging, but ultimately incredibly rewarding.
as of yet, no member of the jehovah's witness faith can defend their unique beliefs.
when the dust settles, it all comes down to blind faith in men's ever-changing ideas.
this "unique belief" was not a "true teaching of the bible.
Job 42:16-17King James Version (KJV)
16 After this lived Job an hundred and forty years, and saw his sons, and his sons' sons, even four generations.
1) Four generations, not one.. I think I need a lie down.
As I posted on a previous thread:
They may try and use Exodus 1:6 but actually the Bible doesn't help them. Genesis 50:22-26 says (emphasis mine):
22 And Joseph continued to dwell in Egypt, he and the household of his father, and Joseph lived for 110 years. 23 Joseph saw the third generation of E′phra·im’s sons, also the sons of Ma′chir, Ma·nas′seh’s son. They were born upon Joseph’s knees. 24 At length Joseph said to his brothers: “I am dying, but God will without fail turn his attention to you, and he will certainly bring you up out of this land to the land about which he swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.” 25 So Joseph made the sons of Israel swear, saying: “God will without fail turn his attention to you. You must take my bones up out of here.”26 And Joseph died at the age of 110, and they had him embalmed, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.
So what do we see?
a) Joseph was still alive when people were living for much longer (the dwelling for 70-80 years hadn't kicked in apparantly) so the WT are making a comparison to a time when people lived longer.
b) Joseph saw the third generation of his son, Ephraim, son's. So that's actually 4 generations that overlap across a 110 year period. Not 1 generation made up two overlapping groups over 100 years...
hi pepeep am attempting to get a current list of uk travelling overseers.
left 4 years ago and have heard rumours of many new ones.
Bumping for newbies.
Is John Stanbridge still on the Circuit work? Not the cheeriest of souls.
Our last two were Phillip Rose (ghastly) and then Henry Devaston (always ill - thankfully).
And is Jim Cleary (mixture of good and awful) still a CO?
Last I heard he was off, and a Google of his name with Jehovahs Witness bring up a mention of him at the bottom of the article:
"if we were following a man undoubtedly it would be different with us; undoubtedly one human idea would contradict another and that which was light one or two or six years ago would be regarded as darkness now: but with god there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning, and so it is with truth; any knowledge or light coming from god must be like its author.
a new view of truth never can contradict a former truth.
new light never extinguishes older light, but adds to it.
PDF P.15 if anyone wants to read it for themselves.
many, after leaving or being cast out of 'the society,' have felt so strongly so as to write a book.
some well thought out and good reading.. my questions are the following:.
if you were to write such a book what title would you give it ?.
Deceiving Many
as of yet, no member of the jehovah's witness faith can defend their unique beliefs.
when the dust settles, it all comes down to blind faith in men's ever-changing ideas.
this "unique belief" was not a "true teaching of the bible.
Thanks DoT.
Please come back and tell us how you're getting on. Remember - many of us have been in the same place as you.
All the best with research.
as of yet, no member of the jehovah's witness faith can defend their unique beliefs.
when the dust settles, it all comes down to blind faith in men's ever-changing ideas.
this "unique belief" was not a "true teaching of the bible.
Hi DoT,
Like you I stayed away from 'apostate' sites.
This one has next to no comments on, just quotes from WT publications, which of course are not apostate:
and this one is a useful site with loads of PDFs from old literature, so it's just a study site:
Scroll down on the left to the english section and you'll see the links to the different literature.
For example, when I was researching the societys attitude to race I found this quote on the link above (http://dciscorp.com/qwotes/race.htm):
There is no servant in the world as good as a good Colored servant
I simply couldn't believe it was true. So I looked it up on the wtarchive site, and there it was:
Open the PDF and enter page number 479 at the top of the PDF.
Ask yourself, why would God's Spirit directed organisation make that comment?
The section Medical & Science on the quotes site makes for some jaw dropping reading. Check out http://dciscorp.com/qwotes/vaccination.htm