E, I started posting in January 1997 (on H20). It took me six months to accept the reality that the WBTS wasn't what it had claimed to be. Chalk in another three years adjusting to all the implications of that, especially including struggling to figure out what to believe now that I knew The Truthâ„¢ was not the truth.
I basically had to start over from scratch examining everything I believed and deciding whether it warranted keeping or throwing away. There were lots of discussions on H20 and here that helped me with that stuff. It was also a help to read posts of other people who were going or had gone through the same process.
The boards helped keep me grounded, allowed me to vent when my frustration at all the unknowns got too high, and gave me a kind of support group.
At this point, I would say that I'm past all that. However, I would have said the same thing a few years ago. I didn't realize at first how theraputic the boards were, and a few times at different points in my progress I too announced that I had gained all I could from the boards and was moving on, only to return either gradually or quickly.
Back in 1997/98 I was all over the board, posting sometimes for hours. Now I just look in occasionally. Used to be, everybody knew me. Now I'm so scarce here that my name doesn't even pop up when those roll call lists (Who Would You Most Like to [fill in blank with favorite verb]) start getting posted.
Yeah, it's therapy, and there comes a point when a person who has been getting deep soul healing from the board turns his eyes from the screen, notices the physical world around him, and realizes that he is at last ready to become part of it. It's a great moment in recovery.