I'm just here for the adds, I am now thinking of getting myself a Russian bride and I certainly know where to get the ring from ;o)
JoinedPosts by M*A*S*H
Why do you come here?
by love2Bworldly ini come here to learn, but i also come here because it feels like a private club and i'm privy to be a member of the "in" crowd.
it's a great place to socialize.
does anyone else feel that they are a member of a special "club" when they come here, that only some people in this world will understand the jw world?.
Blown away-- where to go from here
by All for show ini stumbled upon this website a few weeks ago due to the jw.org ridiculousness, since then i haven't been able to pull myself away.
the thoughts, feelings, and concerns i have had the past few years aren't just mine.
it's global.
Welcome All for Show!
Thanks for sharing your story, I look forward to hearing how you get on.
I remember looking around the Kingdom Hall during meetings seeing the false impression of friendship and happiness. It's like being the only 'okay people' in a zombie movie, and like the movies, once they realise you are 'okay'... they bite; you might want to pack a baseball bat in your Jehovah bag. Oh wait, maybe people do not have bags anymore, just iPads?
the flood, mammoths, elphants, and food.
by Crazyguy inmy question is since it looks as though mammoths were alive after the flood and we know elephants are then how much food was needed to feed just these four animals for the time they were on the ark.
also was the ark, 500 feet long, big enough to hold the amount of food needed for just these 4 animals.. .
I think most of Prologos theories are explained in the 1864 paper published by Pierre-Jules Hetzel. 'Journey to the Center of the Earth', the paper was written by Professor Jules Verne, a specialist in Earthybibliogravitationynessosology.
the flood, mammoths, elphants, and food.
by Crazyguy inmy question is since it looks as though mammoths were alive after the flood and we know elephants are then how much food was needed to feed just these four animals for the time they were on the ark.
also was the ark, 500 feet long, big enough to hold the amount of food needed for just these 4 animals.. .
Err... I do not think I was not missing the point!? I was suggesting further to your previous refutations you could add the 'pressure' and 'light' problem into the mix - both add further evidential weight to the argument being false.
I was not attempting to suggest your efforts are not worthwhile, only that such arguements are 'ultimately' pointless as a believer can quite simply take a step back to god when the evidence all points against them (almost exactly as DATA-DOG suggested). The fight is certainly worthwhile... but still!
So, personally I love to see people such as yourself take the time to evidentially prove woo wrong. However, I am not sure I missed the point entirely?
stupid elder
by goingthruthemotions inas you all know i am just going thru the motions.
well today during the brain washing session.
one stupid elder made the comment of.....an i quote "the jw.org website is the most visited website in the world!
JW.Borg is the most visited site - it's just that Satan unvisits the site each time a worldly person clicks on it. Don't you guys know there's a war on?
2 Corinthians 4:4
In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
the flood, mammoths, elphants, and food.
by Crazyguy inmy question is since it looks as though mammoths were alive after the flood and we know elephants are then how much food was needed to feed just these four animals for the time they were on the ark.
also was the ark, 500 feet long, big enough to hold the amount of food needed for just these 4 animals.. .
Vivian, have you tried to calculate the pressure applied in the atmosphere by a crap load of water in the canopy? Also how much light would penatrate the canopy given its estimated volume? Ultimately pointless, it's a bit like taking the time to calculate the weight of the pink light reflected by the Invisible Pink Unicorn or the volume of the FSM's left ball.
Glory of creation is still untouched!
by Pinku inaccording to plato, the universe thrives on its own, dies and gets rebornall on its own and within itself.
the wise symbolized this concept in ouroboros, a serpent eating its own tail.
[even more wonderful is the marvel called a fruit-bearing treeit does not even eat its own fruit, but simply subsists on mostly what we may consider as dirt/refuse; and trees collectively perform yet another marvel of photosynthesis that make use of our wastes and give us oxygen, food, water, shelter, fiber..........................................[http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/20/opinion/to-save-the-planet-dont-plant-trees.html?_r=0].
Pinku, who exactly was your professor? Dumbledore? In my experience educators teach their pupils to be critical of everything... prove the good and ignore the unfounded.
Because man has been given the ability to become gods (to progress indefinitely) or demons (to lead lives of destruction). He never uses messengers or books, but has left the teaching to the mother Nature.
If god does not give revelations to mankind how do you know the above? Guess work? How do you know god doesn't use books, because presumably you have no way of knowing that?
'Mother Nature' is one of the cruellest, most unforgiving, irreverent teachers one could invent - what lessons is this proposed god of yours attempting to teach?
If you attempt to answer my last question, I expect people will just ask... well how do you know as your god does not reveal anything to you?
Personally I find that terrifying.
the flood, mammoths, elphants, and food.
by Crazyguy inmy question is since it looks as though mammoths were alive after the flood and we know elephants are then how much food was needed to feed just these four animals for the time they were on the ark.
also was the ark, 500 feet long, big enough to hold the amount of food needed for just these 4 animals.. .
What I want to know is, did rainbows exist before the flood?
Biblical Prohecies That Came True?
by Viviane inrecently there have been several claims made regarding prophecies that came true.
i've not personally seen a prophecy that i would consider as having come true.
i would consider the following as the requirements to say something is a prophecy and evaluate whether or not it came true:.
Vivian. I am getting into this now...
Firstly I would like to support my argument by pointing out that you probably hate god and this is why you probably do not understand.
We also have the words of Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Roman, Hindu, Islam Zoroastrian, Semitic and other religions from thousands of years ago. Are those also here because of divine intervention?
If you managed to take time from your sinful life to think about things more clearly, you would probably agree that the Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Roman, Hinduism (possibly), Zoroastrian have little influence in today's modern world and are not understood by us good Christians . Islam and Semitic religions are Abrahamic religions and covered by the prophecy.
My counter-argument here is that what special knowledge is required? Lots of people say things will last forever. Religions say that all the time. Why is it special that, out of all of those claims, one happened to maybe be right (since we can't ever prove it came true)?
That kind of demonic baby eating logic demonstrates how disingenuous you are; basically you have just made it clear you would not accept any prophecy as being provable. If I predicted an asteroid will hit earth tomorrow - and one did - even if I could demonstrate this could be unknowable by science you could just brush it off saying "Well people are predicting asteroid impacts all the time, you just got lucky".
You ask what special knowledge is required. I could write an endless list of the journey of the Abrahamic religions and claim "that" is the knowledge required to make the claim. I could pick one thing - the special knowledge that Constantine the Great would convert and help the religion on its way.
If you are soooooo smart why don't you try and write a book that will still be around in 2000 years - case closed. You are so close minded.
Right I'm off to pray for some sick people... saves actually doing anything.