I really "couldn't care less" about you being pissed off. No one has called you racist and yet again you claim it, do you have a persecution complex?
You must have a very simple grasp of language to assume that I was suggesting "simply refering to "gay people" is a sure sign of homophobia". Do you need everything explained to you? You generalised when you lumped gay people together when you said "but theylose support when theytry to ramrod theirbeliefs down people's throats who simply believe differently."
"Taking the side of freedom of religion is not homophobic."
Freedom of religion is complex and is about more than allowing the practice of religion, however allowing churches to discriminate against Gay people is homophobic. How can you say otherwise?
Are there any other minority groups that you support discrimination against under the guise of religious freedom? Is so, who are they? If not, why make a special case for gay people?