AlphaMan: I am not sure exactly what to say to you. Do you really not understand the difference between comparing homophobic statements to racist statements in an effort to demonstrate the discrimination?
Why would a gay couple want to force a Pastor to marry them?
I have never suggested a Pastor should be forced to marry anyone, again as I have stated multiple times but you still fail to grasp the simple concept... if someone with a marriage license wants to discriminate I believe they should have the license removed. Is that clear?
As you do not seem to be reading the posts I will just repost what I said earlier...
Again I am not taking this 'out of context'....
"Gay people have gained a lot of acceptance, but they lose support when they try to ramrod their beliefs down people's throats who simply believe differently." by AlphaMan
Here you suggest that 'gay people' (generalising is a sure fire sign of homophobia) wanting to get married is not a desire for them to express love for one another, but an effort to "ramrod their beliefs down people's throats".
Also, being gay is not a belief. What exactly do you think "their beliefs" are?