Yes, that sounds bang on Ish.
JoinedPosts by M*A*S*H
Reflection about Matthew 18:1-4
by Mr Fool inin matthew 18:1-4: who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?.
1. is it an open-minded little child who is still free from opinions and beliefs?.
2. or a little child with the same opinions, denials and convictions as any hard core jw?.
The PURE Language - Finaly
by Ish Elon inwho knows how many scribal errors the book we call 'the bible' contains?
the book of the law as written by the hand of moses has been found once more.
king josiah was the last king to see it and jeremiah the last prophet.
Would this be anything to do with what Ish is talking about?
I am pretty sure we have better explanations of who wrote the bible... rather than "Moses"... try
Seven Shepherds Eight Dukes
by Ish Elon inwho is the assyrian?.
the article entitled seven shepherds, eight dukesawhat they mean for us today in the watchtower of the 15th november 2013 contained this important warning in paragraph 16: ain the near future, jehovahas apparently vulnerable people will come under attack from the modern-day aassyrian,a whose intent will be to wipe them out.a it goes on to say: awhat asecret weapona does micahas prophecy indicate jehovah would raise up against that implacable foeaathe assyriana?
a very unlikely oneaaseven shepherds, yes, eight dukesa!
In one way you have my vote - please direct all 'Jehovah Pilots' towards the emergency exits.
In another, I have no idea what you are talking about.
A fascinating invention is being tested here in our little village.
by Gregor init is a beautifully simple machine that produces electricity from moving water.. we live on the columbia river 3 miles above the huge bonneville dam hydro-electric installation.. we have an abandoned lock that was built about one hundred years ago to lift river traffic around the rapids formed thousands of years ago when the naturally formed bridge of the gods collapsed.
the river now flows through it next to thunder island.. recently, an experimental device called the "eco-auger" was lowered into the locks current to begin tests of the beta model.
it is about the size of a small school bus.
"You can't believe anything science says, they're always changing their minds.."
by disposable hero of hypocrisy ini know this is going to come up in a conversation shortly, how would you respond to this?
i've had it said to me before, specifically about health, one week wine/eggs/milk/axle grease is good for you, next week it's not..
Anyone calling themselves a scientist can publish an article or book or whatever stating their findings/beliefs
It is true anyone "calling themselves a scientist" could "publish and article or book" just in the same way I could produce 'Dr Mash's guide to open heart surgery' and pay to have it published in all good book stores... however this is not what is meant by 'publishing' in the scientific sense.
To have your scientific papers published means that you have submitted your work to an established respected journal for consideration, it is then peer reviewed and if accepted will be published. This does not then mean your paper is accepted fully by the scientific community, really it means lots more of your peers will read the paper and potentially test your hypothesis further. Here is some information on peer review from Science..
Usually papers are written by Doctors in their field although technically anyone could submit a paper for review.
This knowledge is what motivates some creationists to (a) get a doctorate from a diploma mill university and (b) create pseudo scientific journals in which to publish their 'science'.
For an example see here
A big bang from a previous universe compacted into one big mass makes more sense than out of nothing....
by EndofMysteries ini've been learning a lot more about the universe, galaxies, planet formations, etc.
it's amazing how stars are constantly recycled, they form from gathering all the dust/gas/mass around them, the heat and pressure as the mass gets larger, producing stronger gravity, and depending on it's makeup creates fusion, turning into a star, then when it dies, it turns into a supernova, explodes, and sends it's matter out there for other stars to form,etc.
now galaxies do the same thing, and supposedly in many billons of years many galaxies will have eaten others, and if blackholes or something pulling in all the stars and mass is at the centers of these galaxies, then eventually everything would turn into one huge mass.
As related to abiogenesis;
Interesting idea! Not sure how one would go about taking it further? Guess at the likely fossilised biogenics and look for them?
Changed: Head coverings for sisters, w15 2/15 QFR
by wifibandit indoes a female kingdom publisher need to wear a head covering if she conducts a bible study in the presence of a male publisher?.
in a questions from readers item published in the watchtower of july 15, 2002, it was stated that a sister should cover her head if she conducts a bible study in the presence of a male publisher, whether he is baptized or not.
further consideration of the matter suggests that a modification to this direction is appropriate.. if the male publisher who accompanies the sister while she conducts an established bible study is baptized, the sister would certainly want to wear a head covering.
The thing sisters should remember is, the thicker the head covering... the more respectful you are being.
Sometimes my dog leads us in prayer and as a bitch...
does God read our minds, or should we pray out loud?
by sowhatnow ini always wondered, can god read our thoughts?
if he can then why cant satan?.
i was told by my mother that god can read our minds, but satan cant satan can only hear our words and see our motives and what we do,.
Praying allows people feel like they are helping a situation whilst applying the very least amount of effort possible in rectifying it; with that in mind it would be best not to pray out loud as this may exert too much effort.
Christian Pastors ORDERED to Marry Gays or Face JAIL TIME & FINES $$$
by oneyeopen ino.k just worked out how to start a new post/thread, just came across this and wanted to share with anyone that may be interested..
coeur dalene, idaho, city officials have laid down the law to christian pastors within their community, telling them bluntly via an ordinance that if they refuse to marry homosexuals, they will face jail time and fines.. read more: follow us: @washtimes on twitter.
I really "couldn't care less" about you being pissed off. No one has called you racist and yet again you claim it, do you have a persecution complex?
You must have a very simple grasp of language to assume that I was suggesting "simply refering to "gay people" is a sure sign of homophobia". Do you need everything explained to you? You generalised when you lumped gay people together when you said "but theylose support when theytry to ramrod theirbeliefs down people's throats who simply believe differently."
"Taking the side of freedom of religion is not homophobic."
Freedom of religion is complex and is about more than allowing the practice of religion, however allowing churches to discriminate against Gay people is homophobic. How can you say otherwise?
Are there any other minority groups that you support discrimination against under the guise of religious freedom? Is so, who are they? If not, why make a special case for gay people?
Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"
by breakfast of champions inthis is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.