IMHO 1914 is not really the key to anything. The cognitive dissonance required to be a JW will overcome a change to the 1914 date, a gradual fading of the importance of the date or even a simple restating the date as 'around the year 1914'. I feel like we have a new generation of JWs less interested in biblical numerology or at least the borg seem to be de-emphasising its importance.
When the first change to the "generations" understanding came out... for the first time in my life I looked forward to the Sunday Watchtower discussion. In my mind there would be uproar, chairs thrown and a mass walk out. Not so much as a whimper
I have had a couple of discussions with Apathy Trolley Minders and noticed a lack of ability or perhaps willingness to discuss doctrine, rather they would rather 'let the literature do the talking'. Would others agree with this, I would be interested!?