I simply cannot agree. The 1914 date is already almost impossible to defend. I expect the more intelligent JWs already understand this.
The mental gymnastics the GB and JW 'rank and file' can resolve is simply more powerful than the 1914 date. Is the date important? Yes, of course. Can this date be adjusted? Yes, of course. Can the date become part of cloudy old light? Yes, of course.
Do most of the rank and file care if the date was 1914, 1919 or 19xx? Not really I would guess. Remember the GB will be praised (by themselves and rank and file) for continuing to shine 'new light' and provide 'food and the proper time'.
As I have previously mentioned, personally I believed that changing the 'generation' teaching would have a massive impact... effectively they betrayed beliefs and trust of "millions now living", that was a real betrayal. What was the impact?....
The GB could easily leave the 1914 date 'as is'... and just let the importance fade. Alternatively they could alter the date as an academic or spiritual exercise. But, just remember, JWs should not be arrogant and step ahead of the organisation, it is always best to 'wait on Jehovah'.