If it is to Correct an injustice for the people of
Australia, then God will see if any wrong doing in behalf of Elders to their
flock were harmed will be rectified under God’s hands. The embodiments of
responsible people hold the majority of challenges. They are human just as you
EXJWdubs here. The very same way you people were kicked out the same can happen
to Elders or Governing Body.
As humans their just as fallible as the next person. If God
made this event to be shown, then to clean house just as in the past, Yahweh’s
will; will be done.
However keep in mind that no religion under secular law has
been obligated to disenfranchise it’s sacrament to hold confessions other than
to have the person repent or reject consul like the majority of you EXJWdubs
did in your case that has caused you to be embittered.
Any religious organization has no legal authority to condemn
or charge a person with a secular crime as indicated by ignorance here. As
mentioned, people with half a brain can see beyond your narcissism and have a
compassionate determination to children that have been abused. Those children,
parents, have every right to seek justice through mans laws. However mans laws
have nothing to do with God’s laws as mentioned by Christ himself. So you cannot intertwine the both.
Repentance is only for the soul. To show God you accepted
the consequences for your misdeeds and wish to start new. This is once again
for your soul that the churches look for. Anything more serious, the victims are obligated to show just cause to bring charges upon a person. It's the victims obligation to have that person arrested and convicted. To have that person pay for the serious crime, not the church. If a church finds through confession and that confession evil, then The proper authorities get notified. However mans laws as written cannot compile a clergy to under go validating the persons claims, that's up for the law to get the proof needed to being somone to justice.
If mans laws punish people for a crime, them those people
will serve whatever punishment mans law give people, without having to confuse
the notion between the both.
None of you have repented for whatever drove you out, then
how can an organization punish someone spiritually if they defy God as you
people have done here for 15 years.
Someone on another thread advised me before I judge someone
look first at the log in my eye before you see the spic in theirs. These Double
standards of EXJWdubs only reflects embodiment of double tongue.
May the victims of all crimes find peace with God.