Searcher: If you’re going to sabotage by attempting to misrepresent FACTS, I suggest you revise and consent your belligerence. TEACHING PROPER VALUES. When will you people learn. Get a life dude.
On Teaching Proper Values:
In a 1969 New York Times Magazine article, Dr. Bruno Bettelheim stressed that a child has the "right to form his own inner opinions, influenced not by [his parents'] authoritative [preaching], but only by his own direct experience with life." Almost 30 years later, though, Dr. Robert Coles, author of The Moral Intelligence of Children (1997), acknowledged: "Children very much need a sense of purpose and direction in life, a set of values" approved by their parents and other adults.
Proverbs 22:6 urges parents: "Train up a boy according to the way for him; even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it." The Hebrew word translated "train" also means "initiate" and here indicates the initiating of the first instruction of the infant. Parents are thus encouraged to start teaching their children proper values from infancy on. (2 Timothy 3:14, 15) What they learn during these formative years is likely to remain with them.
On Discipline:
Dr. James Dobson wrote in The Strong-Willed Child (1978): "Corporal punishment in the hands of a loving parent is a teaching tool by which harmful behavior is inhibited." On the other hand, in an article adapted from the seventh edition of the popular book Baby and Child Care (1998), Dr. Benjamin Spock said: "Spanking teaches children that the larger, stronger person has the power to get his way, whether or not he is in the right." OUTSIDE SOURCE, NOT THE WTS
With regard to discipline, the Bible states: "The rod and reproof are what give wisdom." (Proverbs 29:15) However, not all children need physical punishment. Proverbs 17:10 tells us: "A rebuke works deeper in one having understanding than striking a stupid one a hundred times." 99.9% of times JW Children get scolded.