Then you speak of "ancient times" and revisions?? What are you talking about? Name one, just one doctrinal revision in ancient times that was enacted by the nation of Israel. Name just one changed teaching in the OT that the Israelites could have stagnated on? There were none.DD
Now you’re just pandering, but expected. The lack of knowledge, is the day you misunderstood, the biggest revision in Christendom of them all, Jesus Christ. Perhaps you would like to revisit the OT to confirm this, with Jesus making changes, if not eliminating the” Mosaic Law” The difference, they saw it and it was passed by word of mouth and personal actions, back then.
Can we say the same in modern times? No! Humanity has fallen further from the truth and imperfection. However, you are correct, you cannot compare apples and oranges when it comes to bible truth. The same difference JW’s started calling themselves differently. If you speak to a modern day bible student, as I have, they will deny JW’s doctrine, so would it be so different to expect the same? Consider speaking to one someday, their all over the world. They also have District conventions, they also celebrate everything Christendom does. I have one as a friend, just like friends of any other religion. Perhaps if you set your anger aside, you’ll be able to see the flaws in your logic. Maybe someday you’ll learn how off the mark you are, but in the meantime, please continue your hostility, I don’t mind. Like I said, I didn’t come here to debate how we “ALL” lack knowledge when it comes to bible truth, But Gods asks us to try. So why don’t we. Why hasn’t Christendom taken the calling like the WTS? My sole interest was in the Claim to personally now God’s HS and the Direction God takes, in applying it. But as in everything Christendom, it boils down to “Faith”. Remember, Every Religion has chastised the WTS, So, you cannot criminalize the WTS, That logic, is also flawed. Starting with Russell, when they came out, calling him a Charlatan, but then, so do you guys, it’s no different. That’s why I don’t dismiss his core value.
Again, Thank You. DD