I'm nearly 70 years old and I still enjoy listening to the "Wall" , also "1944" about the Allies
landing on the beachead at Anzio during World War ll.
JoinedPosts by compton
Dad & Pink Floyd
by peaceloveharmony inmy dad is in his early fifties.
he has always been a lover of music.
last year he gave me his guitar, the one i remember him always playing when he was home, except of course during dinner hehe.
Lion with a heart
by compton indid anyone see pbs a few nights ago ?
they showed a moving photo of a lion that .
that was found on the serengetti in kenya looking after a baby onyx ( thats an animal.
Did anyone see PBS a few nights ago ? They showed a moving photo of a lion that
that was found on the Serengetti in Kenya looking after a baby Onyx ( thats an animal
that looks like a small Deer or Fawn, on the Endangered list.) . Another lion eventually
killed it. -
"Why are we Jehovah's Witnesses?"
by Englishman inthis is straight from touchstone forum: http://www.touchstoneforum.org/.
"why are we jehovah's witnesses?".
let me approach the big picture from this angle.. jehovahs witnesses know that the christian organization that they are affiliated with has made errors in the past.
Jesus stated he had to gather other sheep which were not of the Jewish fold.
The gentiles ! Haven;t the gentile times ended !
Its now the Jews turn,and they are back in Palestine were they were prophetically
told they would be at this time. they will be back as Jehovah's witnesses too. You
must understand Jehovah is going to use them to MAGNIFY HIS GREAT NAME.
the whole world is watching this. -
time to look into the Koran !
by compton inyes, be sure to get a copy by an arab translater you will be surprised at what you read.. one teaching you will read is that they believe jesus was simply the son of mary and a prophet .
of god.
this is to deny the main teaching of the scriptures, the original sin and the ransom sacrifice.
yes, be sure to get a copy by an Arab translater you will be surprised at what you read.
one teaching you will read is that they believe Jesus was simply the son of Mary and a prophet
of God.
This is to deny the main teaching of the Scriptures, the original sin and the ransom sacrifice
there are all sorts of interesting teachings.
you must be DISCREET after you have examined it then remember the Moslems are a very devoted
people as you see at prayer time and are cousins of the Jews.
you can buy a copy from a half price Books store for less than $10.00
. -
Jehoiachin was taken captive before Jerusalem fell
by compton injehoiakin was taken captive before jerusalem fell.
the counting of the gentile times.
the 2520 days of years would begin with the first fall of jerusalem, correct ?
Thats what I have always thought, these times will really be revealed in Jehovahs
time its no good speculating. But I did start thinking about the 12 years of Hitlers
3rd Reich. Here's some interesting thoughts for you. He was really a personification
of the Devil. He removed all the Bibles from the churches.replaced them with his wretched book Mien Kamp. He thought the third Reich would last a thousand years.
Built that terrible meeting place with one hundred and forty forty pillars
he wanted to exterminate the Jews to stop Jehovah from using them to show his great name then rule the earth.or destroy it!
Very strange. It like the Devils last attempt to defy Jehovah.
and here we are again, the western civilization has been threatened again.
We sure live in interesting times
Here are some interst dates for you.
1868 First Jewish prime minister in Britain leases the Suez Canal for one hundred years
1878 Pastor Russell Prophecies that the Jews will return to Palestine (Comfort ye my people)
1897 Theodore Hertzle starts Zionism
1914 World l starts
1917 General Allenby takes Jerusalem, Turks flee.(Turks were on German side )
Britain can't have anything so unstable near the Canal
1921 Balfour declaration
from then on British interfere with immigration of Jews which ends up with a terrific
explosion at King David Hotel.
1948 British leave the Jews to fight for themselves
Isreal established as a nation
Arabs immediately Attack but Jacob comes out the winner! 1,000,000 versus 600,000
Jews -
Jehoiachin was taken captive before Jerusalem fell
by compton injehoiakin was taken captive before jerusalem fell.
the counting of the gentile times.
the 2520 days of years would begin with the first fall of jerusalem, correct ?
Jehoiakin was taken captive before Jerusalem fell. The counting of the Gentile Times
the 2520 days of years would begin with the first fall of Jerusalem, Correct ? This is taken from Ezekiel ch 21
verse 24 to the end of the chapter. correct ?
The Jews would be overthrown three times, Correct ? 587 BC 1ST
70 AD 2ND
1933-1945 A SIX MILLION MURDERED ? THIRD2520 minus 587 =1933
This is all new to me as I never paid much attention to dates. Disfellowshipped years ago.
interesting. -
The Great Pyramid
by Justin insome of you responded to my recent post about the bible students, who have more of a continuity with the teachings of c.t.
russell than jws do, by referring to russell's interest in the great pyramid of gizeh.. russell was following the lead of professor c. piazzi smyth, the astronomer-royal of scotland, who held to the belief that the pyramid was beyond the engineering ability of the ancient egyptians to construct.
some still take this view in regard to ancient engineering marvels.
I believe the best thing to do with this subject about the great Pyramid is put it on the shelf for the the present
I was quite carried away with it years ago, Its quite interesting and some of the facts make
a lot of sense.Piazzi Smythe's book was re-published several years ago, and showed his
extensive measurements, but they were all based on the original Biblical cubit being 18'' using it as a conversion
so I think the wise course today is put it away for a while and lets see what the future holds. -
your not xjw you are x watchtower
by compton inyour still dedicated and baptised witnesses of jehovah, but you are free on this board to.
shout from the house tops to the whole world what jesus tells you in secret!
remember his command !
your still dedicated and baptised witnesses of Jehovah, but you are free on this board to
shout from the house tops to the whole world what Jesus tells you in secret! remember his command ! -
More Anti-Cult Crap
by proplog2 init's nice to see ros post here but unfortunately its the same anti-cult hype.
a cult is just about any organization that you decide to leave for one reason or another.
let's consider these enlightening comparisons of moonies and jw's.
right on! Do you remember Jesus speaking of the scribes and Pharisee's said" let them be
blinds guides are what they are. -
Was 587B.C. the first destruction of jerusalem?
by compton inall the footnotes in most bibles point to this date, as the final fall of jerusalem.
if this is the correct,this date means this is when the 2,520 days of years commenced.
in daniel chapter 4.the seven times.
All the footnotes in most Bibles point to this date, as the final fall of Jerusalem.
if this is the correct,this date means this is when the 2,520 days of years commenced
in Daniel chapter 4.The seven times. This is very important as ots the begining of the
Gentile times.