Hi- Remember the deciples of Jesus where out one day talking about the Kingdom and
the people refused to listen, and they asked Jesus if they should call fire on them down
from heaven, then Jesus rebuked them, saying" the son of man has come to save not
to destroy' " THINK ABOUT THIS
JoinedPosts by compton
ARE YOU FAIR MINDED???? Well we'll see...
by HaitianBoston inpedophile paradise.... too bad bill could not substanciate this accusation.... yes we do have pedophile in our ranks.... but bill 23,000 where the hell did you get that figure....(i want proof damnit).
yes we do have problems within the organisation.... yes, some elders have been on a power trip for a long time.... yes, there have been many doctrinal changes..... why would witnesses on certain countries allowed to vote why people in the us cannot even harbor.
the thought of voting.... i hope bill bowen does not get disfellowship...cause if he is he will no longer able to drum up supports among true diehard, dedicated witnesses to the cause.. most people up in here are deleberately bashing the organisation.... why?
WT Says Jehovah a mistake
by garybuss in"as to the old testament name of god, certainly the spelling and pronunciation "jehovah" were originally a blunder.
(the bible in living english, 1972, p.7, watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania) .
what's the deal?
I have always understood the name "JHVH" means in Hebrew that he will show without
a doubt that he is the "supreme one" to Pharoh, and which he will do again. -
Need an answer to this question ?
by compton inthe bible that i use says in the footnotes at the bottom of the page that jerusalem did.
not fall when they carried off king jeohakim,but later in 587b.c.
but again when the command.
Well I found the answer at Carl Olaf Jonnson's site. Aparently the watchtower had the same problem
and changed the dates to fit the 70 yrs prophecy. Aparently 587 b.c. is correct but it is the other
end of the sevrnty years that needed to be set straight. If you are interested go to his site! I
was too impatient, remember Jesus's words "Knock and it will be opened to you"
Need an answer to this question ?
by compton inthe bible that i use says in the footnotes at the bottom of the page that jerusalem did.
not fall when they carried off king jeohakim,but later in 587b.c.
but again when the command.
Its the " New Living Bible". I know many people don't aprove of this translation because its paraphrased, but its easy to read. I will check other translations on this subject. But recently
I was playing with dates and I came up with this amazing fact, 587 subtracted from Daniels
prophecy 2,520-587=1933 the very year "the beginning of sorrows began for the Jews" math 24
Need an answer to this question ?
by compton inthe bible that i use says in the footnotes at the bottom of the page that jerusalem did.
not fall when they carried off king jeohakim,but later in 587b.c.
but again when the command.
The Bible that I use says in the footnotes at the bottom of the page that Jerusalem did
not fall when they carried off king Jeohakim,but later in 587b.c. But again when the command
comes to restore the Temple, in the foot note it says 538 b.c. This does not agree with
Jermiahs' prophecy when he said the release from captivity would be seventy years. Please
explain as I read these dates come from Babylonion records. -
News in KM , dfd,
by happy man in.
we have a bigg artikel in km abot our wuie on how to treat them in diffrent situations, not so much new things, but they confirm this harder treatment on dfd, as we have 1981.. not so happy for this, i think it is a bigg misstake to dont take this occasion to change to some more loving wuie.i can not follow why they do like this perhaps they are draw this to the end of the lione, but who are take the punnish for this, if not the averge jw, who i think dont like this so very much.. so i can not follow who they think, perhaps we have wolfs among us, who hurt ther members.. .
This is so sad to see. I haven't posted for a long time, but when I saw the torments that
those still within the"SPIRITUAL PRISON THAT THE WATCHTOWER" has become, I felt responsible
to get my two cents worth in. I promise you it was never like that years ago we were happy
back in the 50's. I woke up in 1963 and realised that most brothers had fallen asleep."remember
happy are the ones that stay awake and keep their outer garment lest they walk naked and people
see their parts of shame". Had a disagreement with a circuit servant over helping poor publishers
get strong and got thrown out.Just to show that it was different, the Brother that studied the " Let God
be True" sternly told me to always read the Bible, not just the Watchtower. Could not understand
why I was disfellowshiped at the time,but said to myself " this corruption must get to the top before
justice can be heard. so waited till 1980, then in 1994 the web really appeared and with you guys
and girls. I was delivered like David said "out of all my frights" Now I think what has happened
the" Chief Inspector" is really here. Don't you agree with whats happened, even the mighty Catholic
church is being inspected, and those CEO,s AND Isreal is back in Palestine, READ Ezekiel
chapters 37,38,and 39.and of course the terrible 9/11 tragedy.Don't be stumbled by whats
happened please. Look at the creation around you,when you get depressed theres always
something that is marvellous to behold, and remember this "it always takes evil to get rid of
evil.Remember when Moses stood before Pharoe. he threw his rod down to the ground,
then the Egyptian priests copied and produced two serpents, but Mose serpents ate the other
two up., Serpents symbolically mean evil in the Bible" love you all, -
Time For Brits To Think Again?
by Englishman inlots of people have been asking me why the united kingdom has a monarchy.
what, they ask, is the point?.
it's a complex issue that i haven't really thought much about until recently.
Actor Noel Coward anounced that at the end of the twentieth century there will be
five royal `houses left, the house of Diamonds, the house of Hearts, the house of Clubs
the house of Spades and the house of Windsor. -
Who will survive Armageddon?
by dmouse inwho will survive armageddon?.
look, you stupid publishers, stop saying that we dont know and only jehovah can judge.. your organisation is quite clear on this, everyone not a jehovahs witness will die at armageddon.
if you don't say it too, you're an apostate.. watchtower may 1st, 2002:.
This teaching dishonors Jehovah that most of the world will perish at
Armageddon! What about " if Moses came back from the dead you still would not believe". and "it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gmmorah than for you in the ressurection" to the religious leaders.
Jehovah is certainly not some ogre but deserves the adulation of all of us as the supreme soveriegn and every person will have that chance has ever lived on this earth to take a stand on the side of truth. They will see he's Almighty power and there will be no question. Remember the only sin is not believing. -
WT U-Turn on "Great Crowd" (May 1, 20...
by stevieb1 inthe following is taken from questions from readers p.31 of the my 1, 2002 watchtower.
it is the wt response to the question: "when john saw the "great crowd" rendering sacred service in jehovah's temple, in which part of the temple were they doing this?".
Idolatry....Do the JW's do it?
by Tammie innow please bear with me on this.
i came across this information in a book.
i'm not trying to preach to anyone, but just wanted to share with you all what i learned (and some that i already knew).
Let me say that Ray Franz's book will help you. He exposed the GB and remember Christ
Jesus is head of the christian congregation and he is the one who gave his
life that you may live,and every person is going to be examined individually.