If only it was that simple!
Un peut de bien ne peut faire de mal - es.67
'i'm starting to like you too much... i'm gunna try not to speak or see you for a few days' .
ok, i will post back here any more things i don't understand as time progresses .
and ladies, feel free to post anything you don't understand that men say, i'm sure we will know what is going on (not)!!
If only it was that simple!
i was browsing around the jw-media.org site in response to another poster and suddenly found parts of the site funny - sad, but funny.
this act symbolizes one's dedication to god and is taken by those of responsible age who have made an informed decision...organization.
It wouldn't be amiss if the the elders, POs, SOs, DOs & GB members had their own vestments!
The meetings can be so ritualistic that they start to rival the services of the more established churches.
i realize many here have (unfortunately) much more experience with this sort of thing than i do.
any personal insight, or direction to research material, would be appreciated.. there was a letter to all boes about 8-10 years ago, saying that if an appointed elder had any incidents of child abuse in his history, he had to step forward & admit such, so that his status as an elder could be reviewed.
none of the elders in this congregation said anything.. it was later (maybe 5 years ago) discovered that one of the elders had sexually abused his daughters some time in the 80's, before his appointment.
I don't have any professional training or personal experience in this matter, but it seems to me that the problem with young girls dressing provocatively is not with the girls per se. They are obviously not asking for it. But some men are weak and the combination of their sexaul arousal by what they see (as we all know, a man's arousal is greatly governed by what he sees!), opportunity and the belief that they can get away with it might in some generate illicit thoughts of satisfying their sexual desire and maybe even acting upon them.
We have to recognise that not all men are in complete control of their faculties or urges and on seeing nubile young girls bearing a lot of flesh and wearing make-up, they may succomb. This is the danger and it doesn't seem that the girls are aware of that.
Here in England it is practically the norm for girls to dress that way. It must be fashion or peer pressure. Somestime I see school girls of 10 or 12 wearing jelwellery and heavy make-up! I don't understand how their parents allow them to do that! But it appears that they put on the make-up after they leave the house. They want to be like little models as on tv but they have no idea of the kind of dangers they are exposing themselves to!
I have a little girl myself and I dread to think how she is going to turn out! I think I should encourage her to be a goth!
As to the whether a child molester is a peadophile or not, in my book they should both be treated as equally likely to re-offend and not allow them to be in situations where they might have the opportunity. It safest for the kids and also protects the abuser from himself/herself. Of course, there may be injustices, as is the case mentioned above where the teenage sexual angst of the babysitter got the better of him, but would you really want to take any chances?
i came a cross this article....never heard of it before although i know now there was a primetime live that did a story about them.
it's sick to know.
i read more and it made me more angry.. and there are people here in the us that say racism isn't the way it was....idiots.. http://abcnews.go.com/primetime/story?id=1231684&page=1.
Dystopia - cool, I've learned a new word!
Yeah in Europe, especially in the UK, we tend to take a stong view on incitement - its criminalised as hate-speech.
'i'm starting to like you too much... i'm gunna try not to speak or see you for a few days' .
ok, i will post back here any more things i don't understand as time progresses .
and ladies, feel free to post anything you don't understand that men say, i'm sure we will know what is going on (not)!!
Good looking girl? Yeah, a real doll - perfect, petite brunnette down to the cutest accent (she is French)! She's all that! No air and graces though - didn't wear make-up or strong perfume but was a babe like no other! hhmmm ... God I miss her!
No wasn't the kind of girl who has guys waiting in the wings (I had one like that afterwards - & boy did she make me feel innadequate!), although I could see how other men looked longingly at her and I was confortable with that because we only had eyes for each other. °}{°
Oh, what do I know! Maybe she was a bit of a monkey and had grabbed another branch before letting go of me! Afterall, the guy she went for was a student in her French class, a drummer in some rock band ...
Hey, now I am learning to play the guitar! ;-)
my previous addition to the jehovah's witness wikipedia article was removed, but it has been re-added by someone else, and worded more strongly:.
* belief that a "great crowd" of jehovah's witnesses is now living that will survive the coming battle of armageddon and have the prospect of living forever on an earthly paradise.
(revelation 7:9-17) belief that all others (non-jehovah's witnesses) on earth will be killed by jehovah at armageddon, including small children and babies.
You guys post and edit articles about JW on Wikipedia? Cool!
i came a cross this article....never heard of it before although i know now there was a primetime live that did a story about them.
it's sick to know.
i read more and it made me more angry.. and there are people here in the us that say racism isn't the way it was....idiots.. http://abcnews.go.com/primetime/story?id=1231684&page=1.
Just had a look at their lyrics and its pure propaganda of white supremacy and call to arms! In particular 'Aryan Man Awake', 'Vistory','Weiss Weiss Weiss' (use babelfish to translate) and 'Sacrifice'
Appreciating your heritage and bringing attention to it is one thing but re-hashing an ideology that the entire world condems and went to war over is quite another.
How can they be allowed to get away with this?Is this freedom of speech gone mad or is there something more insideous going on here?
i came a cross this article....never heard of it before although i know now there was a primetime live that did a story about them.
it's sick to know.
i read more and it made me more angry.. and there are people here in the us that say racism isn't the way it was....idiots.. http://abcnews.go.com/primetime/story?id=1231684&page=1.
Boy, this just leaves me speechless! Some people obviously never question their beliefs or heritage!
Have they not seen American History X?
Chinese Sweet & Sour meal for one and The Cube dvd!
Hang on that was 5hrs ago! I'm turning into an insomniac!
'i'm starting to like you too much... i'm gunna try not to speak or see you for a few days' .
ok, i will post back here any more things i don't understand as time progresses .
and ladies, feel free to post anything you don't understand that men say, i'm sure we will know what is going on (not)!!
We all need to feel wanted, desired ... and women particularly so.
I lost the love of my life by a little game like that. I thought she was the one. After 5 years living together we were thinking of having a baby (her idea) and we event went to Oz to spy out the land before we emigrated. Then she said, paraphrasing 'Looks like we are going to settle down. I need a little space to think.'! I was devastated, but I let her go. I thought I was being respectful but wasn't very articulate about how I really felt about her, about us. I was convinced she'd realise what a great thing we had and come back ... Of course, she met some smooth talker some time after and last I heard she's made herself a new life with him.
Now years later, I still can't get her out of my head and heart. I've measured all girls to her since and they've all fallen short! I still regret not going after her as per my own advice above! If I had, I would've known one way or the other, instead of the having feeling that I may never find someone like her again ... Fool!