Example of the first doubt as a kid (6 years): I liked the girlfriend from nextdoor very much. We were in the same school in the same class living in the same street. We played together everyday. I remember giving her a kiss on the cheek and I still sense the softness of her skin.....BUT dad went bezerk over it and called it an immoral act. I still remeber the beating.......
Example of the second doubt as a kid: (8 years) If as christians we are supposed to give blessing ( Romans) why is it that 1) we are not allowed to say congrats at birthdays and happy new year at jan 1st? (so I said congrats, kiss kiss, Happy NEW YEAR, kiss kiss because I found the explanation given completely crap)
Example of the third Doubt as a kid: My dad forbade us to read any more comics. I liked Lucky Luke, Donald Duck, Sammy, etc. All of a suddden it was forbidden. One day I had taken an album with me from the library. I was reading it while lying on the bed and it was becoming meeting time. My dad openened the door to my room, saw the album and went bezerk. He insisted on expelling me from the home and let me stay with my teacher whom he thought I'd rather obeyed than him. Yes, you read it correctly: This was not shunning: this was full blown disfellowshipping in the security of ones own home.......But then again: he was the chief ranking elder in the city.....So, I concluded that I loved my mother more than my dad, whom I started to dislike. There was not a ....synthesised doubt or something,.... more a feeling of something being totally out of place......
Example of the fourth doubt as a kid: Why are the elders fighting amoung themselves? Are they not supposed to be loving and caring?
Example of the fifth doubt as a kid: 1975......WTF?Oh no....As a kid I was not familiar with that expression. I just had that uneasy feeling that something was wrong: If Jesus said: You do not know the hour....what are they talking about? My mother went working. The cong was divided whether or not she was allowed to do that and whether or not well we were materialistic.(I still see myself sitting in that black leather chair that looked like the one James T Kirk was sitting in on the Enterprise......Far more exiting then the yellow: 1000 year kingdom book. )
Example of the sixt doubt as a kid: 1975: we went on holidays for 4 weeks in a row to a country were the bro's did not know any cong existed. How were we supposed to survive the big A which was to come any moment now. On the contrary: we had to stay within the limits of the cong! Should or should we not be expelled?
Example of the seventh doubt as an adolescent: Why does my dad has a need to punish us and threaten us if we would only contemplate in getting help from government youth emegency help? I thought that christians do not resort to violence........(at that time I started to recognize the pattern in my dad behavior: he resorted to violence and threats to keep us in line...hmmm)
Example of the eigth doubt as an adolescent: Ressurection hope: To me my dead mother was dead....that was the end of it...period. Although I missed her terribly, the ressurection hopes expressed on all those cards we received at that time did not comfort me. Text A, B, C, D...They felt empty, like the book of Job. There's something going on but I won't tell you why: shut up, accept it and bugger off! It actually angered me. But what could I say.......It was all I knew....
Example of the nineth doubt as an adult: Why did the elders not back me up on an assignment none of them were willing to take. I was assinged to care for a bookstudy group in another town about 10 miles from my house without having a car. You know the drill: conducting bookstudy, spepharding calls, fieldservice in that territory, taking care of the elderly needing some sort of support. This group consisted for a large part out of the most subverive elements combined jealosy and backstebbing our cong could produce. Coming to think of it still gives me a headache. That assignment broke me. If this was Gods spirit directed org than I did not understand spirit direction. compared to scripture, it was an emmpty meaningless statement. No care, no buffer, no backup, no help.
Basically, all I was left with was a emptyness after 26 years of JW-life of which were spent 6 years in full-time service. I was just waiting for the....right answers......Those came in 2001 when Ihooked up in the net.
Since then doubts have increased exponentionally. And I am quite coformtable with them ....