Offering an opinion is one thing. Following it is another. We all offer opinions here. Some with more eloquency and reason than others. Some are more rigidly brought before you than others.
Style is not an argument, only a probable proof of someones own confiction.
Everybody has to consider and outweigh one argument against the other.
There are no perfect men; Only perfect intentions..........and your own responsibility. And frankly, you may feel that to be a burden from time to time.
Here´s another oneliner: somebody who never made a mistake, probably never made a choice.
I made mistakes. I have to live with it. So what. I have learned to forgive my even gravest of mistakes. And everyday anew, I get the opportunity to work on that. But I´ll keep on making mistakes.
I was babtized when I was 16. They asked me if I repeanted.........my god, I did not even feel the thrust of it. Did not really know what it was. I was a real greenhorn to life. What did I know about wrong doing.
If it was asked of me now to answer that question I now can say, yes, some things I do repeant. Am I sorry to repeant? No! It all made me to what I am now. And in 20 years time more dimension will have been added to that. But I am not sorry for making mistakes. It´s my nature. You cannot escape it either. What are you going to do about it.....NOTHING....
Be cool