I've been there, done that, have the scars and a crappy t-shirt too.
I spent a few years changing isles in grocery stores, parking behind the house, parking down the street, hiding in MY house, avoiding phone calls, avoiding the subject with the family. secretly celebrating my birthday, secretly giving christmas gifts, making a couple new friends, secretly researching the subject to death (secrety hoping to find that all this apostate stuff was a lie), secretly sneaking in another church (at first to one of their fun functions then once to an actual sermon), hiding at work on Saturday Morning. I spent years, years feeling like a little kid, years shaking, years hiding, years feeling guilty . . . years wasted years.
I finally had enough and fell this summer and I have never felt so alive.
Even though I spent years hiding and researching and preparing and it was all over in a matter of a couple weeks it still took a while for things to fully sink in. I had my bad days and my worse days, but I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope.
The only things I wish I did was A) Took all that time to make more friends and B) done it a lot sooner.
Funny a lot of things, a lot of plans, completly fell apart and I completly lost it there for a while, (to be honest I still loose it a little) I concentraited on how lonely I was and felt worse. Then I thought more and more about nonwitness friends I had and nonwitness relatives and slowly they are starting to "pop" into my life again. I concentrait on the good in life and I feel soo much better.
I just hyjacked your thread, sorry . . .
To answer your question, yes, I have gone though great lengths to create and even greater lengths to keep my faded status, but just to let you know, it feels so good to just let it go.
I love cyberjesus' suggestion I have got to try that.