But at SOME point in the line of decent the genetic drift would mean a g x the power of n grand sire would be infertile when crossed with it's descendents.
For this context the discussion about the horse and ass come back into the mix. Asses have not become bred so far distant that they cannot produce offspring when bred with a horse, right? Both horses and asses have been bred to mules and produced offspring genetically trending toward whichever gentic traits were reinforced in the pairing, right?
At WHAT point, empirically speaking, will a horse and an ass be no longer able to produce a foal, and why do you so say?
What EMPIRICAL proof do you have that an ass bred to hyracotherium or to megahippus would be an infertile breeding?
I suspect your claim has no empirical proof at all. I suspect your claim is pseudoscience; a gloss that is the ultimate underlying sophistry in the macro evolution argument. I leave open the possibility that my suspicion is incorrect, but I strongly suspect it is not incorrect.