Tall Penguin......... There exists in all of us, on some basic level; questions that need answers. The answers exist and they are by no means concrete. There are many answers to every question posed. The answers that satisfy, do so because they resonate with the one posing the question. Every day we all add to our unique sum total of experience, and in turn pose new questions as some are satisfied and others shed their importance. As you well know, I was never under the direction of the WTS so I cannot really comment on this particular illusion. But illusions are quite simply answers that haven't been questioned and they continue for all in absence of questions. The penguin I know and RESPECT, from where I stand; will recieve every answer you need.....because you ask the most wonderful questions.......telltruth
JoinedPosts by telltruth
As the illusion fades, how do you deal with...
by tall penguin inthe reality that life is suffering and sometimes it's just not fair.
i know, i sound like a 5 year old here.
and perhaps emotionally i am to some degree, having bought into the jw "new system" at the age of 5. .
How to (or not) handle the occasional JW who wanders in here
by Check_Your_Premises ini originally thought of posting this thread last week when a thread was started last week: .
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/104099/1.ashx .
this girl didn't seem to realize the extent of the "apostasy" on this thread.
C_Y_P, thanks for the expanded version. tongue in cheek is harder to spot in the text. you mentioned us rookies.... this may be my first season on jwd but i carry more life experience than most. i know (because you've told me) of the "thousands of hours". in my limited exposure to all things jw i have acrued 100s' of those hours thus far and continue adding to my knowledge every day. apart from my friend you were the one who began my pursuit of this knowledge. you know i was and still am, appreciative of our first ecounter on jwd. it's honesty was it's virtue.
......back to your thread..... i recently watched (read) what happened with JDArley? that was a sheer waste of a chance for freedom, let's hope they have another. While it WAS a little funny to see that someone was running for popcorn.... they probably would have still been able to hang out in texas, eating popcorn even if they didn't decide to post the word apostate as the first response to a newbie of obvious providence.
i agree with and support your ideas and views on how to handle similiar situations in the future. there are posters here who take this first post(s) moment with that level of care and concern in mind. the board would be well served if those attributes were to be shared by all. also noted that if someone doesn't have the inclination to talk to "newbies" with this in mind, perhaps they can follow along but post on another thread.......telltruth
How to (or not) handle the occasional JW who wanders in here
by Check_Your_Premises ini originally thought of posting this thread last week when a thread was started last week: .
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/104099/1.ashx .
this girl didn't seem to realize the extent of the "apostasy" on this thread.
C_Y_P, i'm not sure your definition of the word victim applies. if you consider me your victim, check your premises. i am no ones' victim. Why Georgia, i'am sure everyone who cares about a victim of the wts, more than likely has a reason to be here. while i am certain that the pain the wts caused you is real and valid, i'm not convinced that you or anyone else on the forum has the right to minimize anyone elses' pain or reason for being here. as for myself... my head is on straight and my heart is in the right place. i am not chasing after some jw because my heart aches for her, nor am i playing hero. she is someone i care about as a human being, and until such time as she no longer wishes to have a connection with me i will be the best friend i can. one would have to be an idiot not to acknowledge the unspoken hierchy here on JWD, but to wave a flag and point out that somehow you are more qualified than someone else... what point would that serve or who would that help, how....?........teltruth.
Toasting AuldSoul
by jst2laws inabout two minutes ago the announcement was made that auldsoul was "no longer one of jehovah's witnesses".
he and jst2laws one minute ago toasted to celebrate.
please join us.
Congratulations AuldSoul! may you enjoy the freedom.....telltruth
Prayers Needed
by Saoirse inmy beloved grandmother is dying.
i am going to see her and i will have to drive 1000 miles by myself.
i'm hoping i'll be able to keep it together.. i would really appreciate it someone could send some thoughts and/or prayers to my grandmother and i.. thank you.
Saoirse.... wishing you a safe trip. your grandmother will be happy to have you by her side. being there will bring peace to both of you....telltruth
WLG, So sorry to hear of your loss. please don't let the things you feel a need to say go unsaid..........telltruth.
Ian's Birthday, Sunday, Dec. 18th - Please post a greeting!
by Alleymom indear ian ---
i am starting this thread a few hours before midnight my time so that you will find it waiting for you when you wake up.
happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday IAN!!! Continued happiness and well being to you..........telltruth
Song you are listening to?
by greendawn inwhat song are you listening to right now or what was the last one you listened to?
"We Are All On Drugs" by WEEZER, from the album "Make Believe", 2005. Incidentally, the video for this has an appearance of a couple of jw's at the door. there seem to be more and more refs to the jw's showing up in popular culture as of late. usually in a laughable sort of way. i wonder what the average? jw thinks about when they see a couple of jw's in a music video or some other media snippet?
well i finally did it!
by Cordelia inhere is yet another thread about me (im so sorry everyone) but hopefully this is the closing chapter, and i just wanted to let anyone thats helped me along the way to know whats happened.. i saw my dad and this time i was totally honest, he took me to some places we went as a child and said basically i have no choice but to stop seeing my boyfreind, and attend the meetings again maybe even work at mending my marriage as that is the only way i will ever be truely happy (apparently).
i said that even tho it means the past 9 months of attending and trying to get reinstated are a waste i just have to stop going to the meetings, i do not believe the society really acting on jehs behalf, (jeh would never shun me, etc) he said he cannot believe how spiritual iwas and that i am so 'apostate' now and in veiw of that he can have nothing to do with me, he cried i cried he said i am dead to him and it breaks his heart esp as he has to deal with the tumours he has found out he has,.
i feel so bad as he has tried to answer my questions and has come up with an answer on them all (except the un) and i know i am throwing contact with my family away and hurting them alot.
congratulations on such a big step Cordelia. we don't know each other however i have read your posts. i am on the other end of your situation and your posts have given me great insight to the issues my friend faces regarding a man of the world. i wish you all the luck in the world on your new journey. stay strong and positive and above all ENJOY LIVING YOUR LIFE...........telltruth
why do people wanna join the jehovah witnesses group
by force ini dont get it.. .
they dont celbrate xmas, new year, birthdays, easter, valentine day.
they only can mix with other jw.
whether it be a true desire to know god, searching for hope and answers amidst confusion or being at a low point in ones life........bottom line: people don't join cults, cults recruit people.(SH).............telltruth