Mary J Blige - No More Drama
Ozzy - LIve and Loud or Diary of a Madman
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
Edited by - ConnieLynn on 14 June 2002 11:59:50
i've spent a lot of time on and it amazes me how much nirvana is mentioned when the reviewers rate other albums.
so its a no brainer that nirvana's work should probably have a place in every rock collection, but what are some other albums every rock fan should listen to if not own.
Mary J Blige - No More Drama
Ozzy - LIve and Loud or Diary of a Madman
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
Edited by - ConnieLynn on 14 June 2002 11:59:50
this week my husband and i had the privilege of meeting salud and his wife.
to be honest, i was really nervous about meeting another ex-jw.
i wasn't sure what to expect...what would we talk about?
This week my husband and I had the privilege of meeting Salud and his wife. To be honest, I was really nervous about meeting another ex-JW. I wasn't sure what to expect...what would we talk about? What would they be like? What a wonderful experience for me! They are lovely, warm people and we talked for hours. (It was actually hard to leave)! I now know how important for us to meet each other in person when we have the chance!
Hearing another person's experience face to face is so encouraging. It also makes you realize you're not the only person out there who has had a bad experience... We talked about ways to help each other, and other ex-JW's that are new. I also know I have made a couple of new friends that I will have for a long time. I think a lot of people on this board have gotten together for events like Apostafest or just dinner. For those of you that haven’t, when you’re ready, give it a try…
Mulan.. (ignoring You Know) thank you for letting me know about Bill's website. I just placed an order, the candles look beautiful!
yesterday (memorial day) i awoke to a slow, dull, thudding headache.
it wasn't terribly bad...i ignored it really.
neil fixed me a brunch of bacon and eggs and we sat down to eat around 12:30 or so.
I just saw this thread, so I'm a little late with my reply. I started getting migraines out of the blue 2 years ago. I thought I had a brain tumor or something similiar. The left side of my face gets numb and I see stars or twinkly things. The pain is incredible. Nothing over the counter has helped at all. But my doctor gave me Maxalt, it's a prescription that helps the pain, it doesn't prevent the migraine from develping. It works really well. The other thing I did, was go off the pill. I have only had 1 migraine in the past 6 months, and I was getting them 1-2 times a month. I take the Maxalt as soon as I feel the migraine coming and a couple of times, it has knocked it out. Maybe your doctor will give you a sample to try. Hope that helps.....
check your email before you leave.
i left my phone number for you to call when you're in town.. connie
Check your email before you leave. I left my phone number for you to call when you're in town.
did anyone else have the bile come up, when you heard those "kingdom songs" during the dateline show?
it made me feel ill.........and almost like leaving the room.
i wonder why i have such an aversion to anything connected to a kh meeting?
When I first started watching the show, I got cold all over and had to get a blanket for some reason..It was strange. But when I heard the Kingdom Songs play, it made me cry. I was so angry and mad, all those memories came back of what it was like. After the show, my husband kept asking me what I thought, was it what I had expected, and my first response was that the songs just really creeped me out.
What was worse, was when I went to bed, I laid there wide awake and that one darn Kingdom Song kept playing over and over in my head, I could NOT turn it off. So I sat up, turned on the light and told my husband to sing something to me so that I could get a new song in my head. Very strange reaction. I'm glad I'm not the only one affected by more than the story itself.
please visit cnn's larry king live site at and submit a show topic on the order of the dateline segment.
maybe they'll consider it with enough requests.. thanks,.
I sent mine just a few minutes ago.....
hi, i'm new....and i am searching for a place to call home..... i was raised in a strict catholic family....sexually abused by a jesuit priest....left the church....married....was baptized a witness in 1975...regular pioneered for about 5 and a half years (1988 to 1994)...quit that...diagnosed depressed....have slowly drifted away....and now...with the news of what is happening within the organization and offenders and pedophiles....i find that i can't stay in the organization....i can't be a part of something that so closely resembles the catholic church and all their deceptiveness.... i have no "home"...... thanks for listening....
Darkwanderer Welcome! I'm glad you're here! This is very much like a family here. I think you will feel at home.
during a press conference in france.
"i wonder why it is you think there are such strong sentiments in europe against you and against this administration?
What Yerusalyim said.........Thank you
well a year ago, i ended a five year relationship with a man i thought i'd marry and have babies with.
i left for lots of reasons but mainly because i'd lost myself and i wasn't really happy with him.. i moved into my own place and life has been an adventure.
i dated a 21 yr old, that was interesting haha.
PLH - That was an awesome post! I think you're a great example for women who have experienced the stiffling lifestyle of growing up as a JW! More power to you!
P.S.- I am no longer single but when I was, and lived alone...I LOVED using all the hot water, not asking anyone else what they wanted for dinner, and using the bathroom with door open... ;o)