Have their assets frozen. From their real estate to their donations, everything! until they are seen to comply.
Just sayin :-)
have their assets frozen.
from their real estate to their donations, everything!
until they are seen to comply.. just sayin :-).
Have their assets frozen. From their real estate to their donations, everything! until they are seen to comply.
Just sayin :-)
however, it may be that they are trying to find jackson and see if he will come in to assist.
it has been said on a wt friendly news site, that jackson has declined.
i don't know what this means in terms of what the rc will decide to do.
This will only serve to have the commission impose heavier sanctions on the Watchtower! Why are the governing body continually wriggling out of appearing before a public hearing? is it because the lies will be exposed for everyone to see!
This is proving that this so called only true religion is actually nothing but lies!
we've been focusing on the fact that geoffrey jackson will be subpoenaed to be a witness at the australian royal commission but he will also be required to present a witness statement before his appearance.
even if he continues to wiggle out of the appearance he has no excuse for not presenting his witness statement.. this statement will have to address questions set out by the commission and will need to be answered.
without doubt the answers he is able to be aided by his lawyers and more 'experienced' jws but as he is signing the document they will be his answers and he will be responsible for their truthfulness.. had he shown more willingness to appear prior to yesterday the questions asked by the commission in that statement would not have been written with the same amount of insight that they now have.
I have an uncomfortable feeling that this may have all been staged. All the elders playing dumb to give the Royal Commission a false sense of security, then Jackson steppes up to the board and has them spinning!
I do hope I'm wrong as this commission do seem to be on the ball. I also feel that they have been using as much feedback as possible too. The Commission have done a sterling job so far and given a lot of exjw abuse victims and the rest of the community a lot of hope that finally this abusive cult is having to answer to its wrong practices!
first off, i don't think that dude is going to show face.
he's most likely on a plane already.
if he shows it's bad pr and if he doesn't show it's bad pr.
I do wish someone could send the commission the 2013 watchtower explaining that all JWs have to obey the slave regardless!
on listening to day 7 of the hearing i was amazed at the serious lack of knowledge in the bible, did anyone else notice this?
i thought i'd post something that breaks from the ongoing australian slaughter house lol.. so let's pretend we are doing the new thursday night item that has replaced local needs.
how has jehovah helped you?
(translated you should be effing thankfull to us 7 men!
angus stewart's facial expression says what he thinks about rodney spink's prevarication.... .
The eyes say it all. Look at the absolute loathing that is written all over his face!
You really think you have one up on me Mr Spinks don't you. We shall see about that!
i'm reading some documents from the royal commission and i don't get it, why so much concern for the accused and his reputation???
i'm starting to think maybe some gb members have things like this in their past, because a normal human being would not take the side of a sexual predator over a child....united states branche x e c u t i v e o f f i c e sto watch tower societyaustraliagsc/as january 21, 1999 no.
176sit is understood that if the law requires elders to report cases of child abuse, they should complywith the law and do so.
I've just got off the phone with my mother. She related a story to me regarding a child abuser who was in her congregation, the child abuser had to appear in court and guess what? All the elders rallied around the abuser so the verdict was non proven!
This seams to be a systematic problem across the board the guilty party gets all the support whilst the innocent victim is told to shut up and stop causing trouble! We have to be mindful that most abusers are usually sociopathic narcissists who very good at playing people. They are very adept at playing the victim convincingly and have a knack at being in the right place at the right time. In other words, say a victim decides to quite rightly retaliate, you can be damb sure the abuser will have others within earshot so that the victim then looks and sounds like the abuser! This then gives the impression the victim is a trouble maker. Not only that, even approaching the elders on someone's bad behaviour can have the victim be labeled as a trouble maker. For the innocent party it's a lose lose situation which leaves the innocent party questioning themselves :(
i thought i'd post something that breaks from the ongoing australian slaughter house lol.. so let's pretend we are doing the new thursday night item that has replaced local needs.
how has jehovah helped you?
(translated you should be effing thankfull to us 7 men!
I thought I'd post something that breaks from the ongoing Australian slaughter house lol.
So let's pretend we are doing the new Thursday night item that has replaced local needs. How has Jehovah helped you? (Translated you should be effing thankfull to us 7 men!)
I remember the COBE was doing a talk and he said before the meeting he could not get his tie to work properly (tie) so he said a prayer to jehovah and hey presto his tie miraculously tied properly! Even back then when I was still a fully paid up member I was thinking WTF!!!
So let's have your crazy comments then. Let the fun begin :)
it may have been posted already, however can anyone tell me if the gb has responded in any way to the issues going on in australia, either vague references or tv.
Well the top news on jw.borg is a family being honoured for saving another family from a burning care. Propaganda at its worst!
No bad news jw.borg, only something that resembles a north Korean publicity agent with a gun at their head!