New light on Satan. Worship the only true god Satan! And the rank and file will fall in line believing this to be true.
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After the 'imitate jesus' RC whats next...?
by _Morpheus inimitate the desert god.
the ca for the upcoming year is entittled "imitate [insert desert god name]" so for the public at large its jesus but *wink wink* we really mean the desert god.
What's the Worst Gossip You Heard About Why You were DF'ed, Faded or Left and Never Came Back? They say "I am gay!"
by PhilsWager2 inyour going to enjoy the latest rumor i heard why i have not been to meeting for around nine months, i am a homosexual!
i was caught having a drink at one of the gay bars for business, yes people still talk business in bars.
revelation 17:4).and murderers, and fornicators (cf.
Personally I have got to the point in my life where I couldn't give two hoots what the goss is about me. I have lived A life of shame, hurt, violence, abuse, among'st other things all in the name of religion. Now I am out I am not about to worry what the sad weirdos who are not innocent themselves are saying about my departure!
When one points the finger, just remember, there are 3 pointing so true!
Jehovah's Witnesses Headquarters Refuses to Answer Questions about Royal Commission
by Esse quam videri inwell worth listening to if you have not already..
InformAnt and several others have done the same and all have hit a brick wall. If this is the true religion then surely they can stand up to this heat?!
OK folks the End is near. Sodom and Gomorrah.
by James Mixon inthe reality show "dating naked".
so the young lady said to the guy when they.
first met, wow must you look straight at my you know what.. are they running out of ideas for reality shows????.
OMG what next Keeping up with the Jehobas! -
by steve2 insince geoffrey jackson's appearance before the australian royal commission on friday there has for some been an expressed feeling of anticlimax.
it is as though he was given too much latitude to preach, to claim ignorance and to skirt questions.
more to the point, as much as i myself thought i would never have expected to say this, gj actually came across as likeable and - don't throttle me please!
I have to disagree in one observation. There were times where he did crumble. I an very astute at reading people due to watching my back during my time in this cult.
The cues are there, he may have had a silver tongue but his actions/body language gave him away. There was a certain amount of paranoia coming from him too. Due to him being revered as some sort of prophet, he will be used to people giving him full attention, hanging on every word he says. I noted twice Jackson Asking Stewart if Stewart could hear him, Stewart knew what he was doing, by not giving Jackson his full attention would have made Jackson very nervous indeed. The way Jackson asked was actually in quiet a panicky way!
Did you hear Stewart use the bible to prove an incredibly good point to Jackson!!
by umbertoecho ini thought at the end, stewart made brilliant use of scripture (about establishing fornication or other sexually immoral practises) how, in such a clever way stewart used scripture to point out that some one could basically stake out someone's house to see if a person stayed over night be they homosexual or heterosexual............that on the basis of a sort of stakeout, the two witness rule was ambivalent yet it prevailed.
due to sufficient suspicion.. and therefore why did this "suspicion" not prevail with child sexual abuse.
And non of that escaped unnoticed OrphanCrow. Jackson and the other old boys club better hunker down because I have a feeling the watchtower is going to be hit hard for their uncooperative stance! -
Geoffrey Jackson - Royal Commission Live Hearing Now!
by LostinJapan in.,-july-2015,-sydney.
The research Angus Stewart has put in is nothing short of aw inspiring. My favorite had to be Angus stating he already had the scripture before Jackson and also the judge actually using theocratic warfare towards Jackson. I love them all and would love to meet them in person one day to shake their hands. -
Phone call straight after the Royal Commission
by umbertoecho instraight after the commission ended today within minutes, the phone rang.
it was one of the people who are working on it.
firstly she established if i was alright and did i want to talk.. i said i was too tired and unhappy that geoffrey jackson managed to do some preaching....she said they were aware of that.
umbertoecho Thank you for your lovely post. You actually made me cry. We are finally being listened too and this time the government organisation involved know that they were being lied too.
Could we even possibly imagine this day would come...Mark this day. 14th of August 2015 for this is the day all recovering exJWs were given the day we have all been waiting for. The day the governing bodies heads were given to us on a platter.
Sydney Morning Herald Headline about Compensation for Victims May Cause JW Organization to Gasp
by steve2 ingeoffrey jackson's unfailingly diplomatic responses during friday's royal commission hearings have undoubtedly limited damage to the reputation of the jw organization - but i could never again imagine the watchtower and awake!
magazines criticizing other religions over their responses to child sexual abuse within their parishes.
too close for comfort.
I personally noticed when the subject of financial redress was brought up Jackson almost went into a panic. Just look at his body language and his facial features! -
Look out for a new congregation position for elders wives: Helper to the Elders
by Splash ingeoffrey jackson spent 20 minutes accepting the position that it is not scripturally prohibited for women to be used in the investigation process, although probably not the jc itself (he said he'd check the scriptures on that bit, but we can guess the outcome).. look out for the wives of elders jostling for and gaining these positions.
there will be no better opportunity for gossip mongers to raise their status in the congregation than being officially involved in the intimate private business of others in the congregation.. think of the power they will have in advising the elders on a jc if she thinks the victim is credible, with her opinion, bias and embellishments on the details.
i wouldn't fancy the chances of a victim who has previously fallen out with one of these 'helpers'.. whatever next, sisters handling microphones??!
The problem with having "mature sisters" only involved in allegations of sexual abuse would mean the watchtower would be admitting they have a problem in this area. Leading to the rank and file realising that the spiritual paradise is not actually that at all.