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BBC radio Prog " The Report" this week on JW Child Abuse
by Phizzy in
to be broadcast at 20.00 hrs british summer time this thursday, available on bbc i-player shortly after broadcast..
Recovering, if you have access to any of the exJW Facebook groups then keep your eye on these. This program will more than likely make it onto ant of these groups. -
Example of Jehovah's Witness hare speech!
by username ini have just been looking to see if there is a post on the guardian newspaper report on here but couldn't find, if there is please move this if you so wish mods.
anyway i have just had a look over at one of the pro jw sites and found this comment.
this comment is due to the many comments that have been generated under the guardian report.. as usual, avoid the comments.
Yes punkofnice I've just noticed my rather silly mistake. Apparently so have you! -
Example of Jehovah's Witness hare speech!
by username ini have just been looking to see if there is a post on the guardian newspaper report on here but couldn't find, if there is please move this if you so wish mods.
anyway i have just had a look over at one of the pro jw sites and found this comment.
this comment is due to the many comments that have been generated under the guardian report.. as usual, avoid the comments.
I have just been looking to see if there is a post on the Guardian newspaper report on here but couldn't find, if there is please move this if you so wish mods.
Anyway I have just had a look over at one of the pro Jw sites and found this comment. This comment is due to the many comments that have been generated under the Guardian report.
As usual, avoid the comments.
I can't wait for Jehovah to set the things right.
Translated I can't wait until our god murders you you piece of s@#t!
Jehovah's Witness meets a Born Again Christian on a Train. Oh and a Muslim
by passwordprotected ina couple of saturdays ago i and my girlfriend (who happens to be baptised into the greek orthodox religion, but practises greek, she's not greek) were on the virgin train from glasgow to london.. we had reserved seats on the quiet zone of the train, because y'know, a 5 hour train journey shouldn't be sullied by mobile phones ringing and noisy conversations.. somewhere around the lake district a very tall woman sits at the table across the carriage from us, a table already occupied by a very chatty, bearded man in his late 50s, along with his wife.
this man was directing people where to stow their luggage and asking random travellers questions about their journey to the point where i sent my girlfriend a text message (easier to communicate that way without others overhearing us) asking if he was the "train boss".. he struck up a conversation with this new passenger about his travels, but i wasn't really paying attention as i was watching a movie on my ipad, wearing noise cancelling headphones.
after a little while i noticed they'd stopped chatting and the woman was now reading.
A fellow Scott? I think I would either move (although this is easier said than done with Virgin Trains reservation policy) or better still actually say to the JW woman I DA'd myself due to the watchtower's question nothing doctrine. What would she do with a so called apostate sitting a couple of seats away from her???
Now that would be worth watching lol.
Just received a visit from 2 Elders
by Driving Force inthe elders did not stay long and it wasn`t an official visit sanctioned by the boe/cobe because they were not from my (ex)congregation.
we talked a little about my situation and the fact that my wife does not talk to me and how non-scriptural her behavior is.. then they mentioned the rc and how it was the best convention for the last 20 years.
one thing they did mention was the fact that the borg was clearly preparing them for persecution.
The so called persecution will be a direct result of the watchtower and it's ramping up of hate speech that is currently happening.
The watchtower are just about throwing everybody under the bus at the moment, I have a sneaky suspicion that the watchtower could be making waves deliberately.
BBC Radio 4. The Report. ''Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Sexual Abuse''. Thursday 9th July 8pm.
by ThomasCovenant in
I've just had a look myself, it does look like it has been pulled from the schedule in favour of the Greece crisis! I do hope it is rescheduled, preferable on a night most JW's are not (in the UK) at the KH! -
Taking back the word Apostate
by Watchtower-Free infound this .
I really recommend this ex elder, all his videos I could relate to most of what he is discussing in his videos. You will not regret watching his videos at all. -
It's weird what happen to your mind when you leave the Borg
by James Mixon ina visit to my ophthalmologist yesterday.
he told me i have 22-20 vision, so .
i ask if i have 20-20 vision why do i need glasses to read the news paper.. he laugh and told me most people need glasses after they reach 45 years of age,.
Tvhvdrtycdvhjbcdsdghhv...oh crap I forgot to put my glasses on!!! -
The "Final Push" before the GT!!! I think they REALLY believe it!
by DATA-DOG ini don't know if i have shared this with everyone, but there seems to be a new theocratic term, at least in my circuit.. the term is "final push.
" wtf does it mean?
well, an eldub said that the gb are "all in" with warwick and they might spend all their money on the project.
I'm waiting for the day the 7 will magically disappear...oh I do hope they hire Pen and Teller for this master stroke! -
Are Elders experts on the Bible? Are they spirtually qualified men?
by John Aquila inhow many times have elders read their bible in its entirety?
these are the leaders that give counsel to married couples, to teenagers, to single girls and single boys on everything from marriage, education, sex, association, dress, and recreation..
how well do they know their bible?
Spiritually qualified=brainwashed