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JWs on the defensive on FS in the UK right from the introduction.
by Xanthippe inmy daughter's friend from university had jws call on her this morning.
they started off by asking her if she knew any witnesses.
then they said you may have heard things about us but it's not the way it sounds!.
Problem is with an opener like that, one may as well give up because even if the householder has never heard of Jehovah's witnesses, you can be damn sure as soon as the JW's have gone, curiosity will have the householder hot footing it to the nearest internet enabled device. -
Special talk yesterday?
by TweetieBird ini got a call from my mother-in-law the other day begging me to go to the hall this past sunday for a special talk.
i didn't go but was wondering what the deal is?
details please..
Remember when you and indeed all of us were still heavily indoctrinated? Remember what we all were like when we heard of a special talk being given? We were always thinking, is this it? Now put yourself in your mother-in-laws shoes.
The difference being, your awake and your mother-in-law is still under the mind control, every announcment of a special talk is usually followed by active JW's thinking and saying this is THE talk. Probably more details in the "new light"
by brandnew inwouldnt he, with all his "god power" n able to snap his "god fingers", and like kill the demon that he created?.
who creates a monster, that they cant control?.
i would have totally invented an "off" switch on all disobedient ones.
It's just one big tag session. Jehoba chasing after Satan whilst Jesus and the angels are all running around chasing the demons shouting YOUR IT!
It's all good fun until someone looses an eye!
Could "this generation" inspire a new "1975 debacle"?
by Island Man ini think that it's possible that they're getting ready to issue a new end time date insinuation like they did with 1975. now i know what some of you are probably thinking: why would they be so stupid as to repeat such a mistake, knowing what happened in 1975?
well here're two reasons why i think they could do it:.
first, it's important to remember that they are deluded.
There has been a lot of talk about the year 2035. Could this come to fruition I wonder? -
Extreme emotions re today's watchtower
by Tornintwo ini was supposed to attend the meeting today, one of my once a month duties for the sake of my family and my fade.
i read the wt and i just can't stomach going.... what this wt does is again and again reiterate that only jws will survive the coming destruction and that they should be happy about this and raise ourselves
we cannot expect that many people will suddenly convert to true christianity.
Note how many statements in that tract are now biting the watchtower up the arse.
Karma is a bitch!
Photosynthesis and the problem with the creation story
by purrpurr ini just noticed in the bible that on day three, god created the plants and trees on the earth.... day four, god created the sun, moon and stars!
so that means that the vegetation that is by its very nature dependant upon light to grow and photosynthesise was created a day before the sun that it needs to live!???.
this gets even more strange when you factor in the jw exhuse that a day to god is like a thousand years.
Another rabbit and hat trick pulled by whoever thought, yeah lets make one day into 1000. It's yet another ploy to draw in those who have questions, this being one of those questions "answered."
Today's Special Day Assembly Expenses and the $10,499 Deficit. Silent Majority?
by Tenacious intoday i attended a one-day assembly in my hometown.
i knew when it came time to read the afternoon expenses that it would be an incredibly high and ridiculous amount that was nowhere near the real expenses for that day.
sure enough, after lunch came the announcement.
My personal view is it's not only the JW's who are waking up, it's also the rest of the western world. We on a whole are not satisfied to take something as is and believe it anymore, the information age can really be a powerful tool provided it is legit. Most of us either have a smart phone, Tablet, Laptop, PC, etc and we can access anything in seconds.
The watchtowers major foe is the world wide web, in their words it belongs to Satan, although they are now promoting jw.borg on the very medium that is supposedly run by Satan! What did they do when first launching their site? pray over it in the hope Satan didn't attack it with porn! Well that didn't work because it's full of fear porn!
Today's Special Day Assembly Expenses and the $10,499 Deficit. Silent Majority?
by Tenacious intoday i attended a one-day assembly in my hometown.
i knew when it came time to read the afternoon expenses that it would be an incredibly high and ridiculous amount that was nowhere near the real expenses for that day.
sure enough, after lunch came the announcement.
Only 500 donated? I though Lett said that they do not keep tabs on folks who donate! I smell a big stinky rat here. -
Steve2 you have a point. I too saw the poster having to repeatedly watching the September broadcast. Translated, his brain is telling him there is something seriously wrong but he is trying to block that by repeatedly watching. Eventually the brain will begin to rationalize it.
Classic case of cognitive dissonance, also advising others to watch, watch, watch!
Jehovah's Witnesses want to invite you to their newly refurbished hall!
by username ini just seen this on goggle news.
a report into a hall actually being refurbished!.
No room for Jesus, haven't you heard? He doesn't like the rank and file very much, preferring to hang out with the top dogs only!