I once met Hayden Covington - back in about 1967. We had a young brother (call him Sam) who was facing the draft issue. This guy had absolutely no family in "the truth" but he somehow convinced his mom and dad to not use their very capable family attorney and call in this hired gun from Bethel. After all, he had been before the Supreme Court, right?
The outcome was that Covington grandstanded it up in court and Sammy ending up with the full 5 years for draft evasion. Sam's mom told me that they paid this creep $10,000 for the privileges. Not only that, but Hayden ran off with practically no attention to the appeal in order to lawyer for Muhammed Ali on the same issue.
Covington showed up for one meeting at Oak Glen (OKC) KH ( a Friday night KM + Service meeting) and had enough liquor on his breath to knock down a horse fly. Marion Dunlap told me later that the only other time Covington showed up in OKC was to put a rich old lady's will through probate - naturally to give it all to the society and leave all her real heirs to scrub pots or drive them old trucks or such.
It was soon learned that Covington had been kicked out and DFd. We all assumed that it had to do with the Muhammed Ali deal. I had to face the draft 2 years later and used (guess who) - Sam's family attorney! He was able to delay proceedings long enough for Nixon's draft lottery to kick in and I drew something like #323 and so dodged that bullet.
I think the point here is that along with Beth Sarim, the New York brownstones, the cars, etc...the society and its cronies were robbing its people blind for the good of their elite long before Tammy Faye built that airconditioned doghouse.