I got Dr Hibbert!!
JoinedPosts by PoppyR
The Simpsons Personality Test ....(Fluff)... Cause we need it!
by Legolas in.
take the test and post your results!
i got bart simpson!...lmao
I might be retarded
by justsomedude injust like the subject says.... .
i'm trying to sneak away quietly from the wtbs so maybe i can keep my family and friends, though i know im only dreaming really.
i gave up acting a few months ago and quit going to the meetings, because i just couldnt sit through anymore.
I am so with you on this one, I'm finding it increasingly difficult not to speak out, and already I think rumours have started about apostasy! But it's HARD when you know the truth about the troof!
Dont worry too much, keep your head down for a while and good luck for a succesful fade (from one who's doing it too!)
If it doesn't work, it'll be hard, but you will have real friends here who will support you through it.
Big hugs
Poppy xxxxx
Isn't It Eye Opening When You Realize How STUPID This Religion Is?
by minimus inthe meetings and publications are somewhat constant.
"exert yourself".
"stay away from the internet".
I was talking with a close friend today about the provisions they have made for their pension etc, and then I felt STUPID. Because I just never bothered, and when you tell someone you didn't bother because you believed the end of the world was coming...
Yep. stupid. But at least I have plenty of company in this boat! thanks for this post, I have so enjoyed reading the responses.
Poppy xx
The 7 times leading up to 1914...
by FaithfulDoubter inok, i've talked to a few witnesses about this.
a period when true worship was not really available.
this seems inconsitant to me because: .
Hi, I dont have time to do this justice, and there are people on the board who explain things so much better than I can, but I do think it's been missed, so BTTT
JW stance on birth control pills for medical reasons/sex education
by rebel8 ini am seeking printed info in wt literature regarding use of birth control pills (for medical reasons) by unmarried women, specifically rules or hints saying it is not ok. (there are many medical reasons to take birth control pills other than for birth control.
) i can't remember seeing anything in print.
do you know if there was mention of this in the literature or in talks?
I dont think there is anything printed.. although dont hold me to that.
My sister took them for some years before getting married, and was(is) one of the most faithful dubs around, she just had terrible period problems and they sorted her out.
Many knew about this and nobody thought it was wrong.
Of course I could just be the most naive girl in town and she was sleeping with everyone in the congregation
Poppy x
Isn't It Eye Opening When You Realize How STUPID This Religion Is?
by minimus inthe meetings and publications are somewhat constant.
"exert yourself".
"stay away from the internet".
It makes you feel like a total fool
I felt like this at first, so many emotions ranging from anger to elation. I'm still angry, mostly because I feel I wasted so much time, but on the whole I am happy I got out when I did, and still have a LOT of life left.
And to be honest all the years I spent as a JW were not wasted, I have had some good times, some good friends, and the ability to hold a conversation wtih just about anybody!
Poppy (in an irritatingly good mood)
Fluff - Post what makes you happy this evening!
by jeanniebeanz inmore than anything, i am happy to be with my family going into a new year.
in spite of difficulties, these are the two most important joys of my life.
jeannie .
Well it's morning here.. but the thing that is making me really happy at the moment.
Not having to get ready to go out in service, it's cold, raining and I'm staying in!
Knowing that tonight I'm going out with two of my 'worldly friends' who I love so much and make me laugh without any kind of negative emotions.
Tomorrow I can wake up with a hangover, and who cares, it's Sunday, it's new years and I'm not going to the meeting!
It should be illegal to be this happy at 7am!
Poppy xx
Is spiritual compatibility important?
by serendipity inhow important is/was spirituality to you when considering a person as a husband/wife?
did you expect the person to have similar spiritual beliefs and goals?
if s/he didn't have similar beliefs, was it important to be able to discuss spirituality respectfully ?
I think it's less about what you believe and more about how you are as a person.
Now I'm living in a divided home, I see that my husband has respect for my beliefs, although doesn't share them and will talk and discuss stuff with me.
I've yet to see how this could pan out if the children needed a blood transfusion for example.
So I dont feel it's vital that you share the same beliefs, although that's good and another common interest, but I do think it's vital you understand, respect and dont try to change the other person.
If you are the only being in existance...
by ballistic inif you are the only being in existance...do you have a purpose?
especially if there is no such thing as time or space.
is "purpose" something which is only meaningful in a world with a serial time line, because outside of it, there is no passage of time and therefore no cause and effect?
I'm not sure about the answer to this.. but think it could be 42
The Time Of The End according to the scriptures
by truth about the last days ingreetings my brothers.
i have put a chart of future events that are to come, aided by the holy spirit.it is for anyone that has an intrest in what the bible has to say towards our future.
we have to start with the long purple line down the middle, as it is written in rev 20:1-15 and 1 cor 15:24-28.there it mentions at 1 cor 15 that "death" is the last enemy.
Forgot to add, you dont need to click copy and paste, you can just copy the picture location in the list that image shack gives you and paste it here, it's dead easy.
If you do copy and paste, it's image properties and then image location.
Poppy x