If you are the only being in existance...

by ballistic 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ballistic

    If you are the only being in existance...do you have a purpose? Is it possible to?

    Especially if there is no such thing as time or space. Is "purpose" something which is only meaningful in a world with a serial time line, because outside of it, there is no passage of time and therefore no cause and effect?

    Is therefore our god peering into our universe to look for purpose?

  • Vivamus

    What is the meaning of life? I dunno, but if there is a hell it's called earth. And if there is a purpose I believe it is to remain good while enduring this hell.

    And if the above is not right, then we are just here to have fun

  • skyman

    What if question I like them. All think about this for awhile.

  • ballistic

    Hi Viv, I was talking about God's purpose, haven't got onto ours yet,

    This made me think of another point...

    for God to have interacted with the other spirit beings the way the bible suggests he did prior to the creation of earth and the universe, he must have either created time first without space (which science says is not the case) or he must have created some kind of pseudo-space time in heaven where angels could exist and interact in a serial manner of time and space flow like we do.

  • garybuss

    If you are the only being in existance...
    Think about the concept of "sin" in that context:-)

  • Vivamus

    Ahh sorry Ballistic.

    Well, I'm not a big fan of the God notion. Regarding that I like the phrase from Constantine "God is a kid with an ant farm". Just having malicious fun with us....

  • AlmostAtheist

    This sounds a bit like a reference to the God of the Bible prior to building his first angel. I've wondered about what would have motivated him. Particularly when you consider that he's existed forever. Here's a guy that's spent forever alone, and one day, outta nowhere, decides to create an angel. Why?

    Did he see an ad for angels on TV and wanted one, but didn't wanna pop for the $29.99? No, no TV.

    Did a friend mention how great life is now that he's got an angel? No, no friends.

    Anyone that seriously buys the god thing has to also answer this with, "God invented time. Time has no meaning for him." Which is all well and good, except it still doesn't actually address the question. Why create? Love? Love of what, there wasn't anything there. And if it was love of creatures, why not create more angels? Why create humans?

    I wondered about all this while a JW, too.


  • ballistic

    This is a bit of a deep conversation to be honest - I have to really concentrate to imagine a being existing outside of space-time. I kind of imagine a being stretching in every dimension including time to infinity, and then kind of closing that up into one single point, so that anything which "happens" at any place or time within that being occurs all within that one point, the net effect being no discernable difference in space or time from our perspective and anything the occurred at a particular time from our perspective (such as the creation of the universe) actually is the whole being.

    I'm gunna crack a beer in a minute - I'm sure it gets easier to understand when I do that.

  • ballistic
    I've wondered about what would have motivated him. Particularly when you consider that he's existed forever. Here's a guy that's spent forever alone, and one day, outta nowhere, decides to create an angel. Why?

    Ar, hold on, hold on. This is how I used to think, but you are imagining god in space and time. There cannot be a 'point' of motivation when there is no time. There is a point in our universe where it was created from our perspective, but outside of this universe that point must appear to be everywhere * to an omnipotent being. * or should I say constantly there.

  • Satanus
    If you are the only being in existance...do you have a purpose? Is it possible to?

    Self discovery comes to mind. Think about it, w no mirrors, no feedback, how would god know - anything? Once it dicovered itself, if it did, it might ask: what am i, who am i, why, how? Questions, endless questions it could ask itself endlessly. Secondly, how would it find the answers? Possibly, by spawning copies of itself, big ones, little ones, endlessly.


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