This sounds a bit like a reference to the God of the Bible prior to building his first angel. I've wondered about what would have motivated him. Particularly when you consider that he's existed forever. Here's a guy that's spent forever alone, and one day, outta nowhere, decides to create an angel. Why?
Did he see an ad for angels on TV and wanted one, but didn't wanna pop for the $29.99? No, no TV.
Did a friend mention how great life is now that he's got an angel? No, no friends.
Anyone that seriously buys the god thing has to also answer this with, "God invented time. Time has no meaning for him." Which is all well and good, except it still doesn't actually address the question. Why create? Love? Love of what, there wasn't anything there. And if it was love of creatures, why not create more angels? Why create humans?
I wondered about all this while a JW, too.