holy shit man, thats hilarious... but i actually punched an elder!!!! now that was awesome
the infamous one
in 1984 (shudder!
) my bud mark smith and i picketed the kingdom hall in ann arbor, michigan.
our signs had a watchtower drawn on them and said 'this religion is a snare and a racket!
holy shit man, thats hilarious... but i actually punched an elder!!!! now that was awesome
the infamous one
i've never posted anything on the net before.
just want to see if it works.
i left the wts in '73 - just couldn't wait those extra two years.
WELCOME ABOARD!!! now, just so u know, im the resident demon on this website, and stop blaming us for ur own problems u crazy bunch of humans... we do not inhabit jackets, bottles of rum or anything... ur all morons... TAKE THAT!!!
the infamous one
that is the hotness joel... u rock
the infamous one
hey man!!!! WELCOME!!! now heres the thing, i got forced to go to the meetings for a while... i hated it... but u know what, as she starts to relax, she will give u a break... if not, well, sit her down and talk to her... when she doesnt listen, tell her how irrational she is, and how bad she makes u feel...
the infamous one
there is really nowhere else for me to post about what goes on inside me.
i know that my problems aren't all because i was a witness.
the agony in my mind has led me to a psychiatrist.. he has diagnosed me with cyclothymic mood disorder, a milder form.
hey man, sorry to hear about your troubles... and i know its no comparison, but take it from someone who has gone through his fair share of bull shit in his short life... LIFE IS ALWAYS WORTH A SECOND CHANCE!!!! youre an awesome person, at least it seems so through your posts.... take care, gievt he medecine some time man... who knows, and if it doesnt work, dont do anything rash....
the infamous one
i'm posting this now, so that you can all wish marjorie a very happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
marjorie is one of our most helpful and esteemed posters!
have a really lovely day, marjorie.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! WOOHOOOO may all the drinks be free and all the sex be great!!
the infamous one
we are fast approaching the year 2014 which will be 100 years since 1914. what are jw's and the wt going to do if armaggeddon has not occurred by then?
will they come up with a bunch of "new light" to do away with 1914 all together?
will they suddenly announce that jesus came into kingdom power in the year 2014?
serendipity, thats why my family says..... it isnt the truth??? who cares, at least we are a clean respected people!!!!!!!! NO YOURE NOT!!! EVERYONE HATES YOU!
well, the people at the top will invite all JWs to their headquaters in the different lands, and then when everyone drinks the punch.... they will all flop over and armageddon is over...
the infamous one
ok, if you had to choose between looks and personality, which wins?
guys: if a girl is only mediocre in the looks department but is absolutely fab-u-lous in the personality dept...........which is more important to you?
or are they equally important?
damn!!!! SHES GOT TO LOOK GOOD... but damn, if shes dumb, or a bitch or just has no personality at all, well shes got to go... ithink we are allowed to look for both in a person... and so i do... im not really into the spirituality thing, but i like her to be intelligent...
the infamous one
ok, it's been a while since i tossed out a bible inconsistancy.
this one is from numbers 2:32 and 3:40-51.. numbers 2 says that there was 600,000 males in israel over age 20. numbers 3 says that there were just over 22,000 firstborn males, including those under 20 years old.
this means that the israelite women each had an average of at least 27 boys.
i think it was the crack!!!
the infamous one
i was just wandering.... was it just me or was everyone thinking about it..... ive been in a few congs where some of the sisters were absolutely drop dead gorgeous!
my last cong here in sydney, there was about 160 publishers so the talent was every where... i remember having the hots for this sister, who happens to be the wife of the service overseer... she was xxx hot.
i remember always having to wear my suit coat to the meeting to hide my excitement.. i think all the bro's must have thought the same thing.
i remember one in the spanish hall i was in.... she was 27, i was 17... yep, i banged her... oh yeah, i was a pimpin teenager...
the infamous one