dammit, i hate the fact that im still partly one of them... i still think its weird for a guy and a girl who arent related or married to be alone together!!! ha ha, kinda sad eh>
the infamous one
i know a lot of people we say, i am 100% out, and speak of all the things they disagree with.
yet i don't think that is the case, we are what the accumulation of our days have brought us too and no matter how hard you try, i know you all have witness in you.
it might be as simple as a thought when we do something normal, with some stray conscience struggle with doing something we were told was wrong for so many years.
dammit, i hate the fact that im still partly one of them... i still think its weird for a guy and a girl who arent related or married to be alone together!!! ha ha, kinda sad eh>
the infamous one
u know, i like you.. its too bad im gonna have to kill you now!!! oh and im gonna eat your children (thanks mike tyson for that gem)...
the infamous one
the following newspaper article appears to be the original (and more lengthy and indepth) article from which associated press took their "summarized" (and less informative) story which is being picked up by a number of television stations and newspapers across the u.s. .
this better version should be forwarded to media outlets as a more informative version for their audience.
they also embrace political neutrality.
its all very nice to say that those who left made a consciencious decision to leave the cult... thats fine, of course we did... we did not make a decision to be treated as dirt by our family, our friends to be completely shunned by these people... its the only "religion" i know of that will tell someone else that they can be shunned just for not shunning someone else who decided not to be with them in church... HOW CAN CHURCH BE THAT IMPORTANT??? they are willing to kick out their 18 year old son, and make him live on his own, probably even spending quite a few hungry nights... OH YEAH JEHOVAHS WITNESSES ACT ONLY OUT OF LOVE!! ...
the infamous one
finally going to "de-tox" from pain meds.
wish me luck (you can do that now you know).
good luck hun... i hear its alot of work, but ull have fun in the long run... its worth it... were all thinkin about ya...
the infamous one
just to let yahs all know ..legolas is bday is on tuesday, so everyone say hello an wish her a good one, try to guess her age to it'd be funny, (i'm not sure if she put it in her profile or not?
the infamous one
today we got a phone call from the "cancer treatment centers of america".. donna's niece left our phone number with them.
they offered among other things to fly donna and me to the seattle area and back home, free of charge to check out what they have to offer.. that started the the "if it sounds like its too good to be true" bells to begin to ring.. i did a search on google and found they had been brought to court by the feds for false advertising and paid a fine.. it is a privately owned, for profit corporation.. has anyone on this forum had experience with them?
or have any knowledge of this outfit??.
i think the best you can do is to look into everything as much as u possibly can... and never ever lose hope... my little sister had cancer, the doctors said she would die... she was operated in texas... then they said she would never walk or talk again, but she in high school, leading a completely normal life... DONT GIVE UP!
the infamous one
the following article has caused quite a tizzy on a jehovah's witness board that i frequent.
it is entitled "french wine may contain cow's blood.
" kind of reminds me of the days of lecithin.
oh shit, r the j-dubs saying something???? it must be true... damn no more french wine for me...
the infamous one
ya think i'm kiddin ye bastards?.
i wonder if the governing body actually hear the voices of the resurrected annointed ones.
does the heavenly bride of christ whisper, or talk normal, or do they do it by "silent suggestion" in which they move them to a conclusion or answer so they'll all agree.. what about when they have to vote on things cuz they can't agree?.
im gonna ask the GB to tell me my future!!!
the infamous one
can someone give me some feedback on what they would do in this situation:.
last weekend my best friends husband told me that three years ago he caught (and spied on for about half an hour) my husband and my very best friend "getting hot and heavy" (his words) in our spa and that he watched them because "he found it hot".
the three of them decided that they would not tell me and kept it a secret for the last three years until he told me (because he was drunk at the time).
im so sorry to hear about your situation hun!!! damn, i dont know what i would do... its happened before to me, and the best friend was gone with an ass kickin'... the girl was kicked to the curb, not literally of course... but ive never been married, so i dont know... im sorry
the infamous one
ha ha!!! i like how in the pic, hes wearing a t-shirt and everyone else is in a coat!!! so, since he doesnt go on the internet, he doesnt feel cold... i get it... i hate how bad everything they didnt invent is... GO FAKE JEHOVAHS WITNESSES' BIBLE!!!!!
the infamous one