first: you're 17... you were not in love, you were not close to love, you were infatuated.... yeah, i know its harsh, but once you start getting into real relationships you will see.... this was a crush, this was infatuation... i know because i was 17 not too long ago... i called myself a hopeless romantic... and now i realize that the honest to god truth is this; i was just a baby... damn, im probably still just a baby... i can oly imagine what the future is gonna bring me in the whole "love" department.....
that being said, i also remember how much it hurt to lose "love" at that point... especially in the borg... just remember this; there is so much out there.... while i dont suggest it for you, your options are surely different than mine, i was living on my own at 17! remember that you will heal... it will not take long... being young helps us heal quicker, not only physically but also emotionally...
second: why the hell do you want a friend like that? she is (pardon my french) an (expletive deleted) bitch.... if she is going to be this rude to you, make you feel insignificant and throw you away like a dirty rag, over gossip, well, you're way better off without her... remember man, she threw you away! and the other thing here is, she is a dub... even if this relationship progressed somehow, she will abandon you when you decide it is time to leave.. i think its better to get rid of her now, than 2 years from now, when you are so much closer to her.... you do not want someone who can be that rude, and lets be honest, MEAN, as a friend...way better off without people like that in your life...
i like the line you sed... i use it myself, since i do not have family that i can call family.. the one when you say "friends are the people you choose to be part of your life"... man, i think you need to choose better... while i was in the borg, i took the society's words seriously... be aware of who your friends are, especially in the borg... find people who feel slightly like you... or at least those who you know will be there for you when you decide to leave... i have one or two who were there for me when i was in, and when i was out.. and now they are out too.... its easier said than done, but it can be done!!! find better friends... you dont need either of those bitches...
third: you are not alone... the borg is rying to force you to feel that way... they want you to think there is no one to hug you better... no one who really cares... they want you to feel so alone that only the GB will be there for you... from my experience here, there are so many people to turn to... so many people on this site alone that will be like your mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters... people that, will call you, long distance, at three in the morning if you need someone to talk one of them, only because some of the people here have done it for me... PM me if you need to talk, i can call you anytime man... anytime you neeed.......
as much as i cant hug you and say it will all be better... i can at least tell you this, I HAVE BEEN HEARTBROKEN, TOO MANY TIMES... but it taught me so much... it made me a better person... most importantly, IM ALL BETTER NOW! so what i am telling you is this, IT WILL ALL BE BETTER!!! YOU WILL BE OK!!!
and with all that, i send you a virtual hug!!!!! good luck on growing up, its hard... and PM me any time you need, ill be your big brother...
and might i suggest getting a part time job?? give yourself some contact with people other than witnesses and some time outside of home with mom....
the infamous one