I'm new to the JW's I've been studying for about 4 years, I find it amazing, Everything I ever questioned in other religions was answered when I met my friend who Is a JW, she came to my door with her family, I was outside talking on the phone,smoking a ciggarette. Many times before I had hidden in the house,turning the tv off and being quiet hoping they would go away. But this time they came at a point in my life when I was truely seeking God, I had went to many other churches before of all sorts of religions, siting in the church,listening to preacher go on and on about hell and how I needed to give the church more money..blah blah blah.I've always been interested in the bible but found it hard to sit in church on sunday and just take in what some preacher was telling me, I didn't know if he was right or wrong, but it felt wrong.So this lady comes to my house, I get off the phone and put out my ciggarette, and decided that I had a few questions for her. The first one was Who is jehovah?! I never read any WT or Awakes before, I always threw them out,, our disscusion was followed by more questions and answers, We started bible studies on a regular basis, I've never looked back.. It made more sense then anything I was ever told or taught.. My friend was not pushy and allowed me to do my own research, not just with their reading materials, but some I found on my own,so I could compare, I eventually gave up my KJ version. I truley believe in convincing yourself and not letting someone else convince you, it's your eternal life, so you should decide, but I am very sad and sorry for those who decide to leave or not to look into it.. It is not always easy and sometimes I don't feel like going or studying, but once I'm started , it's uplifting and I remind myself that it's all for my future and not for this world ..Yaldah
JoinedPosts by YALDAH
Service Meeting Week of November 7, 2005
by TheListener insong 39.
5 min: local announcements.. 20 min: improve your concentration at meetings.
talk and audience discussion based on the september 15, 2002 watchtower, pages 12-14, paragraphs 11-14. review the suggestions provided, and invite the audience to comment on what has helped them to get the most benefit from congregation meetings.. 20 min: "develop skill in reasoning with others.
I can't read the WT and AWAKE anymore
by Jez inhundreds of supplementary publications written by unnamed authors that can hide behind the watchtower and bible tract society and say anything without referencing it.
lately, i have been thinking that this is one of the reasons that the society does not encourage higher education.
try handing in an essay without your name on it, try not referencing your essay, try having no works cited, try to have only 1 works cited, try quoting out of context, try spewing statistics or numbers or trends in your essay with no reference or date, add ellipsis that only alert your instructor to the potential of hidden information, or try presenting as support for your thesis a third party quote.
Gee, I find it very interesting and amusing that people can bash Jehovah's Witnesses,the Watchtower, and the Awake all while doing it on the Jehovah's Witness Discussion forum. Why don't the bashers go to what ever religion you all are website and talk about it among yourselves in your own religious discussion forum website and leave us Witnesses a place where we can discuss our beliefs without the bashing. If you don't like it, why are you still here talking about it? Do you not have anything else better to do? What an enriched life you all must have!
A reminder for Witnesses who deny this
by gumby inhere's a precious little gem for jehovahs witnesses who deny what their organisation really teaches.. when they are directly asked..." do you believe your the only ones who will be saved"?
they try and wiggle out of it with some vague, obscure answer.
below is what they really believe.. watchtower 1989 september 1 p. 19 remaining organized for survival into the millennium .
All persons seeking eternal life shall find it if they are practicing what God commands(in spirit and in truth)That means, abstaining from forication, fits of anger, jeolousy, strife,(The ten commandments) etc.. We put on a new personality(Col 3:5-14),and are humble before God, and with fellow believers. We do as Jesus would have, being a teacher, publicly declaring the good news and demonstating our faith.Jas1:22-24.Romans 10:10 You too can share in eternal life, "There is going to be a resurrection for both the righteous and the unrighteous" Acts 24:15 "They will be judged according to thier deeds" performed after thier resurrection Rev 20:12, 13 We look forward to "the real life" as the apostle Paul put it. 1 Tim 6:19;Heb 6:10-12