I have many times heard the question "Where will you go?" Jehovahs Witnesses use that question to condemn all other religions. Is this what you are attempting to do?
You will find on this board many who still attend the Kingdom Hall and I call them Nominal Jehovah's Witnesses, I would say that I am in that group because of my family ties. Others are atheists, some attend other small groups. I think some feel that their relationship with god is personal and does not require an organization.
I think it really gets down to, what your personal view towards the Bible and the God of the Bible. Then you will live your life based on that personal viewpoint.
I personally believe that the Bible is based on history. But, I really dont think it represents the "True Word of God." The Bible Cannon as we have it is not really what even the First Century Christians viewed as Holy Scriptures. First Century Christians used many other works.
So what is the bible?
One View go to
For another read
The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts
by Israel Finkelstein, Neil Asher Silberman (Hardcover - January 2001)
Who is God? If God is Love how do you explain what the Bible states he has done and will do to mankind? Or maybe the Bible is not really the complete Word of the God of Love.
Edited by - Analysis on 29 August 2002 16:55:11