If you are going to fight fire with fire, you better go out and get some matches and some type of fuel. By what I have read of your posts so far, you are currently out of both.
An analogy that I read a few years back on the genetic code, is that it is like software. Within the DNA we are given certain attributes that dictate both our physical and emotional makeup. Then based on what happens to us in the womb and with life itself, we become the individual that we know as ourselves. Identical twins have the same DNA, but as life proceeds that have different likes and dislikes. While much has been written about the similarity of identical twins, they are all different.
Whatever ones feels the source of life and intelligence or creative design is, lets take this one step further.
The design or building block of life is found in the DNA. This genetic code has the ability to replicate. In the case of humans this replication is a combination of genetic code from two distinct individuals. Every so often the replication is not perfect. Creationists will tell you that this in-perfection is because of original sin. However, sometimes these replication errors are actually beneficial for the resulting offspring.
So in a weird distorted way we are the product of a form of software (the genetic code in DNA) that can replicate itself and over time make software enhancements to the original code. At times these enhancements are not all that desirable, but hey even Bill Gates has to come out with software upgrades.