I have several principles that I attempt to live by; One is "Do not make enemies that I do not wish to destroy." I have found that a very useful principle to live by since I have yet to meet someone that I want to destroy. But, it still allows for the Hitlers of the World.
The Problem is the WTBTS GB does want to destroy their adversaries. They just dont think like the rest of us.
What will it take to make them discern their own foolishness?
A judge's ruling?
NoA juries' verdict?
Noa bureaucrat's fine?
How Biga reporter's critical story?
Neveran ex-elder's testimony?
Nevercontinuous internet exposure?
So far it has not workeda march on Brooklyn?
They would enjoy the persecutionloss of contributions?
They would just downsize even more.Witnesses too ashamed to identify themselves as such?
How many already feel that way, it has not worked yet.The key is money. The Governing Body Members are safe for life. Even in prison they would be martyrs and have food and shelter at some country club prison in the US.
The question is: What would it take for the top 50 to 100 other leaders in Brooklyn to see that being out on the street at the age of 50 or 60 is their future without change. It is money!
The other hope is that these leaders find their Collective Consciences.