Yes Green Palms, I would have supported a war in Iraq even when Clinton was in office. Now, don't get me wrong, I DETEST Clinton but I would not have supported HIM, just the war effort. Our troops are keeping OUR country safe and we HAVE to show them we appreciate it, otherwise why should they care? And as for it being hard for people because their children are dying, well guess what? They die over here EVERY DAY for senseless reasons too. My 17 year old nephew has been dead for almost one year now and we have no idea what happened and it is driving my sister crazy. His was a senseless death. At least parents of soldiers, as hard as it is, can be proud of why their children died. And yes, if it happened to my child I would be torn apart. But ya know, people join the military every day knowing that someday they may have to fight and they may die and they CHOSE that life. Ok, I am off my ranting soapbox now. And yes, I am voting for Bush again and proud of that fact. All politicians are greaseballs. Anyone who thinks otherwise is nuts. I just happen to like him better than my other choices.
To those of you serving, getting ready to serve or have children serving, I admire you and keep you in my thoughts. You are brave souls.